I've started a countdown. Well, that's a lie, I've had a countdown to becoming a Mommy from the beginning. What I mean is, that I've started a countdown to the day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
My mother feels we should wait until the birth because "it's the only TRUE surprise in your life." I stand on the fact that she'd have a different opinion if they HAD ultrasounds back when I was in the womb *wink*.
I've always said that I should never know that I was pregnant until I was about 6 months because I can't stand suspense. (Needless to say, I'm horrible to watch a rental with :P ) So having to wait until July 8th (21 more days!) is killing me. Did you wait to find out the sex of your child (and possibly have a baby shower covered in yellow and green?) Or did you go ahead and find out? I'm thinking I'll be just as surprised when the Sonographer tells us, as I would when we actually have the baby...right? I can't help myself, I'm a planner! :P
To get the baby moving, I've been told to drink very cold water or very cold orange juice right before the ultrasound. Another friend told me to eat a banana just before my appointment. She said there's a natural sugar in the fruit that babies just love. One of my husband's friends said to drink a mountain dew. I've also been told just to eat a candy bar before I went. Did you try any of these, or have you heard of anything else that might work?
We're just praying our baby isn't too modest the day of the photos-haha.
Also, I was wondering how many Moms have gotten the 3 or 4D sonograms? What did/does your doctor think about getting it done? I've heard pros and cons to the procedure and was curious. Do you think it's worth it? Were you happy you did it, or did it spoil the surprise of seeing your baby's face for the first time? Let me know what you think!
Until next time, I'm anxious!
Karyn Potts
*Remember: to comment on this blog, just do a quick username and password for Google below and then comment away! Just click on the time I posted this and you're good to go.*
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Knowing Boundaries
I may not be as wise as some other women in this world, but I like to believe that for my age, I can at least stand on my grounded values and morals. My parents raised me right!
I look around at today's society and how children act, and I find myself completely amazed by ill behaviors. (Note: I realize that someone may have all the best intentions in the world of raising their children right, and that somehow "it just doesn't work out that way." Granted, I'm prepared for my child to throw tantrums and throw themselves on the floor, that tends to be age-appropriate. I hope..? :) But when I see teens who know better acting this way, I question what they've been taught is accepted behavior by their parents.
For example: I was out last night when I witnessed two teens quite aggravated because a manager of an establishment would not break a particular rule for them. I heard the man say "I'm sorry, but if I do it for you, then I have to do it for everyone else. I'm already trying to bend and give you a discount." The two teens got so worked up they threw open the door to the establishment (almost breaking it) and walked out. Not 20 minutes later, one of the teens tried to come back in unnoticed (breaking said rule) and was caught by employees. The teen became so outraged, basically acting as though he was having a 2-year olds tantrum and cussed out the employees and manager just before walking out again.
This is when I stop and think: I know (or rather hope I guess) that this boy would not be acting like this if his parents were around. Have we gotten so bad as a society, that kids can't be trusted to behave outside the home unless otherwise monitored by what they consider an authority in their lives?
Who is to blame for this, what I consider to be outright disrespectful, behavior? Do you blame the parent for not instilling what most of the world believes to be common courtesy and respect? Or is it the off-kilter child that no one seems to be able to guide in the right direction?
What happened to the Golden Rule? Do parents still teach the same morals and values of yesteryear? Or have they jumped on this bandwagon of "Don't Let the Man Get You Down"? Do parents of today take qualities like responsibility and individualism, and twist them so as to create a child who is proficient in self-serving manipulation?
I'm all for encouraging kids to become whatever they want in this life. Whether it be an astronaut or farmer...just be passionate and love what you do. That being said, I also believe in raising well-rounded kids, no matter how unique they are or want to be. I believe all children have the right to a good education, and if they apply themselves, they will go far. Therefore, I sternly do not believe that just because "Johnny doesn't want to do his homework today," that he doesn't have to. You've all heard the stories from those who came before you--"I had to read 200 pages a night in my reader, and we had to sit in the corner all afternoon if we didn't finish our Arithmetic." And guess what? I had to do it too!
There were many nights when I didn't want to read about dead presidents, and even more nights when I didn't want to do my math homework (I would have rather made up a story about how X met Y and they ran off together to live on Z island). Alas, my Mom and Dad assured me that a bank would rather know I could figure out the Product of my account someday, and would care less about the magical coconuts on the island. Reluctantly, I knew they were right, and the homework got done.
The point of this drawn-out, full-of-tangents thought? I know I can't predict the future, and who knows how my child will act!? But I like to believe that I will have a hand in teaching them the ways of the world--what is expected of them; what they can expect from others; to do what they're told (I learned to comply with anyone who was older than myself); and to treat people with kindness and respect, no matter who is or isn't watching. There's a difference between questioning right from wrong, and total disregard for authority.
Does this notion sound crazy? Am I hoping or expecting too much? What do you hope for your child? How do you parent them when it comes to respect for others? Do you set limits and boundaries? What are the consequences, or do they have none at all? Let me know, as the thought of teaching my child the ways of the world, suddenly became a bit overwhelming for me!
Until next time, radiate kindness!
Karyn Potts
*To comment on this blog, click the time I posted below. You may have to sign up for a Google account, but don't worry, it just asks for a username and password. Very easy!*
I look around at today's society and how children act, and I find myself completely amazed by ill behaviors. (Note: I realize that someone may have all the best intentions in the world of raising their children right, and that somehow "it just doesn't work out that way." Granted, I'm prepared for my child to throw tantrums and throw themselves on the floor, that tends to be age-appropriate. I hope..? :) But when I see teens who know better acting this way, I question what they've been taught is accepted behavior by their parents.
For example: I was out last night when I witnessed two teens quite aggravated because a manager of an establishment would not break a particular rule for them. I heard the man say "I'm sorry, but if I do it for you, then I have to do it for everyone else. I'm already trying to bend and give you a discount." The two teens got so worked up they threw open the door to the establishment (almost breaking it) and walked out. Not 20 minutes later, one of the teens tried to come back in unnoticed (breaking said rule) and was caught by employees. The teen became so outraged, basically acting as though he was having a 2-year olds tantrum and cussed out the employees and manager just before walking out again.
This is when I stop and think: I know (or rather hope I guess) that this boy would not be acting like this if his parents were around. Have we gotten so bad as a society, that kids can't be trusted to behave outside the home unless otherwise monitored by what they consider an authority in their lives?
Who is to blame for this, what I consider to be outright disrespectful, behavior? Do you blame the parent for not instilling what most of the world believes to be common courtesy and respect? Or is it the off-kilter child that no one seems to be able to guide in the right direction?
What happened to the Golden Rule? Do parents still teach the same morals and values of yesteryear? Or have they jumped on this bandwagon of "Don't Let the Man Get You Down"? Do parents of today take qualities like responsibility and individualism, and twist them so as to create a child who is proficient in self-serving manipulation?
I'm all for encouraging kids to become whatever they want in this life. Whether it be an astronaut or farmer...just be passionate and love what you do. That being said, I also believe in raising well-rounded kids, no matter how unique they are or want to be. I believe all children have the right to a good education, and if they apply themselves, they will go far. Therefore, I sternly do not believe that just because "Johnny doesn't want to do his homework today," that he doesn't have to. You've all heard the stories from those who came before you--"I had to read 200 pages a night in my reader, and we had to sit in the corner all afternoon if we didn't finish our Arithmetic." And guess what? I had to do it too!
There were many nights when I didn't want to read about dead presidents, and even more nights when I didn't want to do my math homework (I would have rather made up a story about how X met Y and they ran off together to live on Z island). Alas, my Mom and Dad assured me that a bank would rather know I could figure out the Product of my account someday, and would care less about the magical coconuts on the island. Reluctantly, I knew they were right, and the homework got done.
The point of this drawn-out, full-of-tangents thought? I know I can't predict the future, and who knows how my child will act!? But I like to believe that I will have a hand in teaching them the ways of the world--what is expected of them; what they can expect from others; to do what they're told (I learned to comply with anyone who was older than myself); and to treat people with kindness and respect, no matter who is or isn't watching. There's a difference between questioning right from wrong, and total disregard for authority.
Does this notion sound crazy? Am I hoping or expecting too much? What do you hope for your child? How do you parent them when it comes to respect for others? Do you set limits and boundaries? What are the consequences, or do they have none at all? Let me know, as the thought of teaching my child the ways of the world, suddenly became a bit overwhelming for me!
Until next time, radiate kindness!
Karyn Potts
*To comment on this blog, click the time I posted below. You may have to sign up for a Google account, but don't worry, it just asks for a username and password. Very easy!*
Monday, June 2, 2008
Disney Honeymoon Souvenir
Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!!
I can only imagine you've come to find out what "tiny trinket" or souvenir Brian and I brought home from our Disney World honeymoon? If you guessed a BABY, you're right!
That's correct, I'm officially "that girl who got pregnant on her honeymoon." Just call me fertile Myrtle I guess! All within two weeks, we married, bought a house and found out we were expecting. You should have seen his face when I told my new husband--how did your child's father react?
As completely surprised as we were (and still are at times), Brian and I are both very excited!
We've finally moved everything into the house, or shall I say into the garage :) Well, we DO have the big stuff put away, it's just those knick knacks that just can't seem to find a home yet. I'm praying I have it all put away by the time my mother visits in August.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm 13.5 weeks today. I've been lucky enough not to experience any morning sickness (I know, I know--some readers are hating me right now; I've heard the horror stories), but I am very tired for what seems like most of the day. According to books, I should be coming out of that phase right about now. Did you experience morning sickness? Have you felt like your work desk looks/looked frighteningly similar to your bedtime pillow? I swear I would have no problem taking a nap at 2:30 everyday if my Editor and Sales Manager would allow it! I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, reading a few chapters of "Your Pregnancy, Week by Week" every so often, but I'd love to hear from actual people on what I should be expecting next...? (You can only call your doctor so many times before it becomes harrassment :P )
I have another appointment this Thursday--nothing too major, just a check-up. Although, I find it funny I'm excited just to go; it makes me more excited each time just to know I'm progressing "the way I should be."
So you've heard from me, and now it's your turn! We all know that things are much easier to go through when we talk them out with friends and FAMILY. So please, any questions you can ask, answer or any advice you have would be much appreciated!!
Until next time, goo goo gah gah!
Karyn Potts
PS: To comment or post to this blog, click on the time I posted below and you'll be able to respond. THANKS!
I can only imagine you've come to find out what "tiny trinket" or souvenir Brian and I brought home from our Disney World honeymoon? If you guessed a BABY, you're right!
That's correct, I'm officially "that girl who got pregnant on her honeymoon." Just call me fertile Myrtle I guess! All within two weeks, we married, bought a house and found out we were expecting. You should have seen his face when I told my new husband--how did your child's father react?
As completely surprised as we were (and still are at times), Brian and I are both very excited!
We've finally moved everything into the house, or shall I say into the garage :) Well, we DO have the big stuff put away, it's just those knick knacks that just can't seem to find a home yet. I'm praying I have it all put away by the time my mother visits in August.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm 13.5 weeks today. I've been lucky enough not to experience any morning sickness (I know, I know--some readers are hating me right now; I've heard the horror stories), but I am very tired for what seems like most of the day. According to books, I should be coming out of that phase right about now. Did you experience morning sickness? Have you felt like your work desk looks/looked frighteningly similar to your bedtime pillow? I swear I would have no problem taking a nap at 2:30 everyday if my Editor and Sales Manager would allow it! I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, reading a few chapters of "Your Pregnancy, Week by Week" every so often, but I'd love to hear from actual people on what I should be expecting next...? (You can only call your doctor so many times before it becomes harrassment :P )
I have another appointment this Thursday--nothing too major, just a check-up. Although, I find it funny I'm excited just to go; it makes me more excited each time just to know I'm progressing "the way I should be."
So you've heard from me, and now it's your turn! We all know that things are much easier to go through when we talk them out with friends and FAMILY. So please, any questions you can ask, answer or any advice you have would be much appreciated!!
Until next time, goo goo gah gah!
Karyn Potts
PS: To comment or post to this blog, click on the time I posted below and you'll be able to respond. THANKS!
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