My Blog List

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

C-Section City

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

I went to the doctor again yesterday. We saw the doc who will be on-call over Thanksgiving. Seems Baby Girl is measuring the same: 36 weeks (which is good, I was hoping she'd slow down a bit and let me catch up!) However, she's still breech. Now granted I'm told that babies usually flip in their 34th-35th week (which I'm at now), so there's still time for this future soccer star (she has to be with all this kicking!) to move. BUT, I go back for a sonogram next week to check her measurements and to see if she's moved at all. If not, then I will be scheduled to have a C-Section. Wow. I know I can opt for an inversion (where they go in and physically turn the baby), but I've heard it's uncomfortable and kinda hurts. Plus the doctor said she's had babies actually turn back around afterwards, and has sometimes ended up having to do an emergency section because the baby gets stressed and their heart rate drops. I've crossed this option off the list.

Though, it seems everyone around me is amazed when I tell them the Cesarean news. "Why are they planning so early? She could still flip!" is most people's reaction. To be honest, I'd rather plan something than have an emergency section. And the day it's scheduled is only four days before her actual due date, so I'm not too worried about her being fully developed.

Yes it's weird to possibly know your child's birthdate, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. And they're going to do another sonogram right before the C-Section anyways just to check. Who knows, she may have flipped.

The only thing is, I am kinda sad. Just because it's not how I imagined having my baby. You grow up knowing you "push a baby out," not that it gets cut from your stomach--imagine explaining that to little girls, they'd never have babies! :P I know I shouldn't, but I almost feel like I will have done less of a job caring for her all this time. Like I don't deserve her since I didn't do the hard part. I didn't feel the pain, so I don't get the gold medal or purple heart of valor.

Did this happen to you? Was your baby breech? When did they flip? Did you try the inversion, and if so, did it work? How did it feel? Did you try any other methods to make them turn (i.e.: my sister-in-law has told me that she went swimming and her breech baby flipped over!) ? Let me know, I'd love to hear what you tried! THANKS :)

Until next time, get in the water and practice your flip turns!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's the Worst?

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

I was at my favorite watering hole tonight (otherwise known as the gym), and I couldn't help but count how many people stopped me to comment on the size of my growing belly. I kept getting comments like "Wow, you only have about a week or two left, huh?" and "Oh my gosh, your belly has REALLLYY popped out all of sudden! When are you due? REALLY SOON right?" Yeah, not so much.

My due date isn't until the beginning of December, but if you've read my post about the baby's sudden growth spurt ("Holy Cannolis"), you'll know she's suddenly growing very fast. The way the LFM office is figuring now, I could be due anywhere from the middle of November on. BUT, I blame the comments and stares on what I'm wearing on a given day. If it's something loose and flowy, I get nothing. If I wear a tighter fitting t-shirt (like tonight), I get the eyes popping from the heads.

I had a server say to me the other day that she figured I was "doing the healthy thing" because I didn't want cheese on my salad and the fact I ordered water (give me a break, I just don't like cheese on certain things, and I'm not having caffeine!) Apparently it's only obvious to SOME people that I'm so pregnant I'm about to pop! *stupid girl*

I'm wondering: what's the worst thing that someone has ever said to you while you were pregnant? Please, let me know!

Until next time, have a little couth!!
Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a Miracle

Hello LFM Readers!

Let me start by saying: Congratulations to every Mom out there that has successfully raised a child! I'm not meaning that your children have to be practically perfect in every way, because that's reserved for Mary Poppins. I'm talking about literally just getting them to the age they can stand on their own two feet and provide for themselves.

I called my own Mother last night and congratulated her. She laughed of course, and thanked me. I couldn't help it though! Brian and I went to our Baby Boot Camp class last night (a 3.5 hour overview on how to take care of a newborn--we found it to be insightful, and I recommend it for new Moms, especially those without family in town). The instructor went over everyday care like diapering, bathing, feeding and burping, swaddling, crying, etc. We also had a Pediatrician come in to talk about all of the various visits we'd have to go through, immunizations, as well as when to go to the doc and when not to worry. I STILL need a Pediatrician,..please, any recommendations?

By the end of the evening, I was totally amazed that I've made it to adulthood without any problems. Granted I've had my share of Strep Throat, and obviously had the chicken pox, not to mention a broken wrist. Other than that, I was in tip top shape! I'm not allergic to anything (like grass, peanuts, or any kind of medicine), and I never really missed school. I wasn't a daycare kid, so I missed out on things like colds, pin worms, rotavirus, upper respiratory or gastrointestinal problems. What did your children suffer from the most growing up? Anything?

It just blows my mind that my Mom raised THREE healthy kids! I'm only hoping to be so lucky. :)

Until next time, be grateful to your Mother!
Karyn Potts
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Holy Cannolis!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

I'm officially 33 weeks as of yesterday, not much longer now! Though, I've had a bit of startling news: When I went to the doctor at 30 weeks, they measured my belly. Turned out Baby Girl was only measuring 29.5, and they mentioned she might be small. Heck, that's fine with me, I'm the one having to push her out!

However, when I went back at 32 weeks, my doctor kept meauring my belly over and over again. I think I counted four times. She kept looking back and forth between my belly and the chart; I started to get nervous. She looked a bit confused, and asked if she was right in thinking I was only 32 along. "Yes," I said, "why?" "Well, it looks like your baby went through a HUUUUUUUGE growth spurt in the last few weeks. She's gone from measuring 29.5 to 36 weeks!"

OH...MY...GOSH. She then asked me how big my husband and I were. I was only 6.12, but unfortunately, Brian was over 9 pounds! "Mmmhmmm," said my doctor. She wanted to schedule me for a sonogram at my next visit, and I thought that was a great idea since I wasn't going to be getting another one for four weeks--thought I'd sneak in an extra one. But then she realized that I'd be getting one at 36 weeks, and decided to wait until then to test her weight and measurements.

I'm also having to see the doctor who's on-call over Thanksgiving, just in case Baby Girl decides to come early.

I was so dumbfounded, I couldn't ask her any questions, such as "Does this mean she's coming early?" "Or, is she just gonna be a big baby?" By the way, Brian's now convinced we're "having a porker." That, or we're really having twins. Nice huh? :P Did this happen to any of you? I'm hoping she just doesn't grow much from here on out--Lord help me, I can't have a 9 pounder!!

Until next time, ham it up!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Paranoia Has Suddenly Set In

Hello LFM readers!

It has come to my attention, in the middle of the night while trying to sleep of course, that I am exceptionally worried about someone falling down my stairs while holding my baby. (Horrible thought I know.) The bottom half of our stairs and landing is hardwood, with the next set being fully carpeted.

I just keep picturing myself, Brian or my Mom tumbling down the stairs while holding her. My sister-in-law has told me the same thing: "Stop wearing socks," she says. We sat at our desks compiling plans: perhaps we can just lower the baby up and down on a pulley system? Or maybe wrap her in a bubble wrap sling for the trip? I'm starting to think she's going to have to live either upstairs or downstairs for the first few years :P

I'm told, regretfully, that these feelings of paranoia and worry will only get worse and stronger when she's actually born, and all thoughout her life. Great!! Worry wart, party of one!? Who's with me, anyone? What are or were some of your worries for your child? Let me know; I'd hate to think I'm alone on this one!

Until next time, breathe!
Karyn Potts
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I need a Pediatrician!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Main point: I need a Pediatrician! (Much like I need a daycare!) I've asked around about both Peds and daycares, and I seem to be getting nowhere. Everyone I know seems to have a different Pediatrician and daycare from the next person I ask. Isn't there one in Lexington that many people love? I'd like to stay over by Hamburg, but at this point I'm just looking for someplace I can take my little girl and be happy with her healthcare, and supervision.

I want to know that her doctor KNOWS her. I want the baby to be comfortable with him/her and vice versa. I want them to be hands-on, and interested in what I have to say and how I'm feeling about her treatment if or when the time comes (vaccines, tests, finger pricks, etc.) I want them to CARE.

I also want to know that my little girl is safe during the day. That she's getting the enrichment I'm paying out the waz for. That she's having fun, making friends, learning! I want them to CARE.

Any recommendations? Please, LET ME KNOW!

Until next time, help a girl out!
Karyn Potts
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Mommy Palin

Hello LFM readers!

I'm just wondering: how do you feel about Sarah Palin? Not as a Republican Vice Presidential Candidate, (I would NEVER start that kind of thread on here :P) but as a Mom? She now has 5 children; with her latest having Down Syndrome. And of course we've all heard about her oldest teen daughter's pregnancy and the controversy surrounding the situation.

How do you feel about her time management? Granted, as a first-time Mommy, I'm naturally worried about how I will handle work, baby, husband, house, pet, finances, extra-curriculars, etc. etc. And we're just having ONE baby! People these days don't seem to have big families anymore--I'm guessing mainly because of finances, not for lack of wanting them. But I'm just wondering how she would handle everything she has going on: 5 kids, husband, pets, house, extra-curriculars,...oh yeah, and a little thing like being Vice President of the United States. Does she really have the time to fit the American public in? Without loosing a grip on other aspects in her life? I can barely grocery shop on the weekends depending on what I have going on!

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for women's rights, equalities, liberties, you name it. Heck, I'm totally telling my little girl to be the President when she grows up! I'm just thinking it'd be a little less stressful without so much on her plate.

So, tell me, how do you feel about this busy Mom possibly becoming VP?

Until next time, get out and vote!
Karyn Potts
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