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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Diaper Disaster (WIN A PRIZE!!!!!!!!!)

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Picture it: you're on your way out the door, and you hear "Honey, you might want to come see this." You see your husband standing in the living room, taking off his top shirt and wonder exactly what's going on. You're late and need to get on the road. You walk into the next room, only to see your child playing in their exersaucer, happy as can be. You're confused, what's the problem? Your husband points and says "look down." You bend over and there, you see it: liquid poo, running down her legs, while she tap dances in the puddle at her feet. You look at the baby's face and she smiles, laughs joyfully, and waves her favorite little lamb in the air and continues on without a care in the world.

Well ladies and gentleman, that was my morning just the other day! I ended up holding MRP in the air, (Brian calls this "the no-roll zone!") while he stripped her down and basically gave her a bath with wipes and wrangled a new outfit onto her. (Boy that child loves to be nakey!) As we finished our much appreciated teamwork, we realized we had just missed a "Kodak Moment!" We should've totally taken a picture of that--surely that would've been worth some money in some sort of contest right?

SO, my question to you is: what's the best diaper disaster story you've experienced with your child? I want to know! Were you out somewhere without a napkin to your name? Did your child "go" on someone? Is there a theme park involved? Did you buy the wrong size? Was there a bath afterwards (for you?) It doesn't matter how old your children are now; I'm looking to hear the BEST story you've got! Details count!

The winner will win a family-friendly package of books, games, and tickets to the Lexington Children's Theatre! To enter: click the comment button below and post your story, with name and email address. (If for some odd reason you feel uncomfortable doing this, please feel free to send your contact information to my email with the first sentence of your story as a reminder of which one is

I look forward to reading your replies!
Until next time, who's on diaper duty?
Karyn Potts
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Surprise, Surprise!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

A friend of mine back home in Missouri informed me recently that though her son is just two days younger than my little MRP, she is now pregnant with baby #2!!!!! WOW. I can only imagine! Two children under the age of 2; talk about a handful!

While there for a visit, our kids (sort of) played together on her living room floor. When I got up for a drink, MRP began to cry while her son sat happily in his jumparoo. She began to entertain both of them, and then you could literally see the light bulb go on above her head. She turned to me and said "Oh my gosh, this is how it's going to be, isn't it? I'm going to be going back and forth between them all the time!" I laughed and concurred "YUP! Sorry!" :P

Though I feel sorry for her, the situation has gotten me thinking: when will we have OUR second child? I'd like for them to be close together--close enough to play together, but far enough a part that I'm not pulling my hair out (is that second stipulation even an option? LOL)

How far a part are your children? Do you like it that way, or would you plan differently if you had the chance? What do you feel are the pros and cons of having them close together? Do you have two girls, two boys, or both? How many children do you have?

I have to admit, I'm very scared to have another girl. I am a girl who grew up with two older brothers (who themselves are 15 months a part!). I came along five years later; I'm what my parents labeled the "Welcomed Surprise!" I have no clue what it's like to have a sister, and as horrible as some of you may think this sounds, I enjoy that fact. Not because I didn't really have to share my toys with someone else, but more because I believe the relationships between brothers and a sister is very much different from that of two (or more) sisters. I remember going to friend's houses who had older sisters, and feeling so confused and annoyed with their relationship. Always yelling at eachother for wearing eachother's clothes, touching eachother's hairbrush or shoes. That kind of thing just doesn't happen between boys--I had the attitude of "get over it, she took your stuff," or "don't touch it, it's not yours." I'm nervous to experience that situation in my parenthood!

I guess we'll see what happens WHEN it happens.
Until next time, keep on the look out for surprises!
Karyn Potts
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Say Say O' Playmate....

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

While trying to drum up some good candidates for a focus group this week, (ask me how you can get involved--first meeting: August 3rd at 6:30 PM at Copperfield Clubhouse), I've realized, that I am not friends with a lot of other Moms! :(

Of course the other Moms in the office will already be at this meeting, so they're not an option to ask. I poked around and realized that I really only know a handful of other Moms on a personal level. So my question to you is this: how did you meet other Mommy's in the same boat as you? Was it through church, work, your husband's work friends, old college roommates?

We go to church, but don't know many of the parishioners on a first name basis (our own fault--that's another one of my goals this year); the Mommy's at my work all have older children; it's hard connecting with Brian's work wives because, well, they're MEN! so you have to go through two other people to get to the wife!; and I didn't go to college in Kentucky.

So what am I to do? I'm sort of the first in my group of friends to have a child (yes, I'm the pioneer :) Perhaps you have a suggestion? Or already have a playgroup in mind I can join with Margee? I'm trying to find kids around her age-range (she's almost 8 months---can you believe it?), to about 3-4 years old. This way she has some influence from older children who can teach her things and help her out. Any takers? Maybe we could start our own playgroup? Let me know!

Until next time: .....Come out and play with me!
Karyn Potts
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