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Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello LFM readers!

I've been trying to think of something really insightful to write about: whether it be something in the news, or interesting baby gear I've found, etc. Truth is, I haven't been shopping yet (as amazing as that sounds!) So what I will write about is what's been on my mind, as minor as it may be.

I've been wondering what my little girl will look like. Yes, I could go for one of those 3D Sonograms, but I figure I've already found out the sex, I might as well have SOME surprise when she's born. (Plus she won't look that way for very long afterwards.)
I wonder if she'll look more like me or Brian. You see, my family has VERY STRONG genes, and we tend to think all the kids look like Becker's (my maiden name). I've always thought my oldest brother looked like my mom, the next brother like my dad, and I got the smoosh of both.

I'm guessing she'll have bleach-blonde peach fuzz on her head, and blue eyes for sure. Brian and I were both baldies. But will she have my nose, and maybe Brian's ears? Will she be tall and thin, or short with more to love? Will she be covered in freckles (though neither of us have many of those)? Will she somehow get the dimple in her cheek my mom always wished for me? Will she have my chubby cheeks that you just want to pinch all day? Will she be like Brian, flexible like Gumby, or have terrible back problems like her mom now has?

I wonder about her personality too. Will she play music like her parents? Play sports? Be the social butterfly, or more reserved, shy kind? Will she like to draw or write stories? Will she be an animal lover? Will she love to sing and make up games? What about word-finds and crossword puzzles? Will she hate math as much as I do? Will she be adventurous? What will be her favorite food? Will she love to bake? What's going to be her favorite color?

What will our little girl be when she grows up? Will she study abroad? Will she discover something? Will she be a mom? Will she follow her dreams?

The answer to these questions: I hope so. I hope she's all these things and much more! I'm confident she'll turn out as well-rounded as we did. She has a great family, and that makes me happy, and excited to bring her into the world (though I'm still in denial about the whole "pushing her out part." :P ) I look forward to the day I get to discover and answer all of these questions.

So until next time, have fun with your "wonderments!"

Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And the Verdict is....

Hello LFM readers!

It's time for a baby update! Brian and I went for our ultrasound yesterday, hoping to find out what sex the baby is. Does anyone have a guess? We tried the Pencil Test, the Wedding Ring Test, and I was even convinced by one friend to try the online Chinese Calendar Predictor. Plus, I favor my right side when I'm sleeping. According to every little "test" I tried, our baby is supposed to be a boy. I was convinced. There would be no little dresses with ruffles on the butt, no patent leather shiny black shoes at Christmastime (my absolute favorite growing up), no all-night sleepovers, no braids in her hair. Instead I'd be shopping for rough and rugged little boy jeans, overalls plastered with dinosaurs, ball caps, trucks and be worried about eating mudpies. Which was perfectly fine in my mind. I liked growing up with two older brothers, so if we had a boy first, it seemed only natural.

--In case anyone's wondering: I had pizza and a small mountain dew for lunch, just to get the baby moving!--

While laying there with my belly exposed and covered in goo, the Sonographer pointed out the baby's eyes, nose and mouth, heart, kidneys, bladder, lower back (is THAT what I was looking at?) and finally the most important "part(s)." We are having a girl!!! (She's 99% sure.)
She's 7 inches long and 9 ounces.
My husband was elated that he was right all along, we were having a daughter. And a quite laid back one at that! The Tech. made a point that the baby wasn't responding to sound--apparently they hate the sonogram sound bouncing off the walls, hence the reason they move--and she wasn't moving for nothin'. She was trying to get a good picture of the Placenta for the doctor, but the baby just wouldn't budge, no matter how loud or annoying the Tech. made the sound.
Brian and I looked at eachother right away, thinking, "Is our baby deaf?" Which, after taking years of Sign Language, we'd be totally fine with. But it would be nice to know at least! We remained silent while the Tech. kept on...she shook my belly from side to side a bunch of times and finally Baby Girl moved, giving her a chance to take the photo. Did you have anything like this happen when you went for your testing?
When we went directly into the doctor after the ultrasound, we asked her about the comment. She seemed unphased as she explained that it was completely normal; that her son was the SAME WAY. Doc said her son was perfect for her friend's in medical school trying to learn the anatomy on sonograms; he never moved while having it done. She said he's a really laid back, easy-going kid, and was a great baby. She then went on to explain how her daughter was the complete opposite, moving every which way each time, so much so that it was hard to get positive pictures of anything. We were relieved. Deep sighs of relief. Hopefully we'll be so lucky with ours (my Mom has told me since, that I was the same way--not very fussy at all, and nothing ever bothered me--perhaps she's taking after me?)
We left the office happy and excited. We're having a giiiirrrrllll :) We called everyone under the sun, and within the hour most of all our friends and family knew the big news of the day.
When I came home from work last night, Brian had already been shopping! He bought two long-sleeved body suits (making sure I knew he thought about it first, seeing as how she'll be born in the Winter). They're pink, brown and white. They have polka dots and elephants. They're perfect, like his new little girl. My heart is touched that he loves her so much already. He's going to be a fantastic Daddy.

Now, what will we name her? :) Any suggestions?

Until next time, enjoy your own kiddies!

Karyn Potts
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Freedom Isn't Free

My 4th of July weekend is ending, and I feel completely relaxed. We've done..nothing really :D My husband and I sat on the couch watching TV all weekend (while knowing we should be putting things away, STILL, in our house). I felt somewhat productive when I finally took a shower and baked a cake, just for the two of us! We watched others spend their money on fireworks, and viewed them from our backyard. It was nice to sit there relaxing, reflecting on really how lucky we are as a country to be able to do just that. We weren't worried about where our next meal was coming from; how we were going to pay our bills; whether my child will have a chance to get an education; where we'd run to if insurgents came upon our property; protecting ourselves.....

Other than Veteran's Day of course, the 4th of July is another day I tend to reflect on our country's status in the world. Where would we be without our military? (Our Govt. is a whole other problem and subject in my mind.) There are men and women fighting all over this world for us everyday. They're missing their families, regular American food, news and culture, and just the chance to live their lives as what we see as normal everyday...all so we still can.
They vow to protect and serve where they're needed without asking why, and always do so to the best of their ability. These brave Americans will even lay down their lives for ours! (Would you?)

This concept has been ingrained in my mind since I was born, and I've respected it all along. I revel in the fact that my child(ren) will grow up in a free country, with opportunities that many others do not have, nor can even imagine. They will have the chance to do and say anything they want because they are an American, something we should all be grateful for.

I just want to say THANK YOU to all of the American military men and women, and thank you Grandpa, Dad, and brothers Norman and Kyle. Thank you for your service to our country, and to your future family member(s)! They will be thankful for all you do, always.

Happy 4th of July!

Until next time, remember those who serve our country everyday, for you and yours, and don't forget to THANK them.

Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Constant State of Panic

Hello LFM Readers!

Yes, it's true: preggo's hormones tend to come and go with the tides and moons, but I like to think I've kept mine pretty much in check. But the last two days I've been in a constant state of panic.
Yesterday evening I spent a few hours at the Jessamine Riney B pool/park (as crazy as the price of gas is, I go because it's got two great slides that I'm not able to go down and I like to watch the little kids under the mushroom umbrellas). There you can spot all shapes, sizes and ages-another great reason not to feel subconscious in this newfound body of mine.
What stands out most to me though, are the kids that I can only assume haven't even made it to highschool yet, parading around in teeny tiny, barely-covering-anything bathing suits, and the boys that love to stare at them. (This is where I realize.....I'm getting old.)
I sat there on my lounge chair, covered in SPF 50 with nice dark sunglasses on, happy not to be standing out in the slightest (who, at the age of 29 wants to be oggled by tweeners anyway?) Groups of boys hoarded together and walked around the pool, making unwaving laps. Small cliques of girls did the same, only to look uninterested as the young Brad Pitt-wannabe's gawked passed and laughed when finally at a safe distance. I began to think of what this Baby X or Baby Y inside me will turn out like. I mean, there was NO WAY that my mother would've let me leave the house with suits like that on underneath my clothes, let alone to wear them without them on--and neither will my (if it happens to be) daughter!
My friend and I were sitting there wondering where these kids' parents were--did they notice what they were or weren't wearing? Did they know they were hanging out in corners of the park with boys? Holding hands? Sucking face? Smoking? Touching eachother's backsides? (Yes, I saw that a few times too.)
We began to discuss the shocking behavior of middle schoolers--on buses, at parties, in bathrooms and dances. The "doing it without really doing it" phenomenon. I've even heard about the "colored bracelet code," which tells others how far a girl will go with a boy according to what color of bracelets she wears. All of this bothers me to no end. It brings me back to how children are raised, what they're taught, morals, values, yada yada yada. I'm secure in knowing that we will raise our child(ren) how we see fit; I'm just worried about what society and their friends will turn them into when we're not around.
I'm feeling as though the only way to protect them is to go everywhere with them--as insanely hovering and controlling as that sounds :P Of course in reality, I would never do that! But how do you know if your t(w)-een is or isn't doing what you've taught them to? Do you trust your t(w)-een? What consequences do they face?
On a completely other note, I was SO nervous to watch the littlest of kids coming in and out of the water unsupervised. Granted their little ruffly suits were adorable, and you had to love the little plaid board shorts worn by the suncreen-slathered boys. But there were step-ups and step-downs on the concrete deck, bigger kids running around, waterfalls to be swept under,...I was a mess, trying not to scoop them up and steal them to safety.
Yup, it's hormones. That's what I'm blaming all of this on...right? Let me know!

Until next time, keep it under control!

Karyn Potts
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Pregnancy Myths

With the impending appointment of hopefully finding out what sex our child is, I feel like I've heard it all when it comes to figuring it out on your own.
* I've been told it's a girl because I seem to be carrying high (though others tell me that's nonsense since they carried their baby's everywhere and it didn't seem to make a difference).
* I've been told the baby will be utterly bald because I haven't had too much heartburn or nausea (thankfully). Though is that a good definer since both my husband and I were bald until two years old?
* I heard the heartbeat again at my last appointment, and my doctor tried faking me out, saying it was a girl and getting me all excited because we would finally know! She then explained that at the stage I was in, "they all sound like girls." I asked if there was any truth to that wives tale, and she explained that girls heart rates are faster than boys, but we wouldn't know that for sure until this upcoming visit--if it's a boy, it will obviously have slowed down in the last few weeks.
I've also read about some other very weird pregnancy myths online (as if the internet should be anyones Golden Rule! :P) According to some offbeat sites, did you know:
* If you favor laying on your right side, it's a boy and if your left, it's a girl?
* If a pregnant woman holds her hands above her head, the baby could become strangled by the umbilical cord?
* A preggo should not take baths, have X-Rays, stand by microwaves, or use cell phones?
* You lose a tooth with every baby?
* If you watch a scary movie, you can "mark" your child?
* If you mix Drano with a preggo's urine, and it turns blue, the baby is a boy and if it turns green, the baby is a girl?
* If you swing a pregnant girl's wedding ring on string over her belly, and it moves in a circle it's boy, and if it sways back and forth, it's a girl?

This all sounds insane to us now, but most were either thought to be true (or still are) at one time!
Just for fun, or even if you truly believe, what's the weirdest wives tale you've heard about pregnancy? Have you tried anything you believe to be effective? Let me know!

Until next time, when in doubt, ask your doctor!

Karyn Potts
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