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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Finding Out

I've started a countdown. Well, that's a lie, I've had a countdown to becoming a Mommy from the beginning. What I mean is, that I've started a countdown to the day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
My mother feels we should wait until the birth because "it's the only TRUE surprise in your life." I stand on the fact that she'd have a different opinion if they HAD ultrasounds back when I was in the womb *wink*.
I've always said that I should never know that I was pregnant until I was about 6 months because I can't stand suspense. (Needless to say, I'm horrible to watch a rental with :P ) So having to wait until July 8th (21 more days!) is killing me. Did you wait to find out the sex of your child (and possibly have a baby shower covered in yellow and green?) Or did you go ahead and find out? I'm thinking I'll be just as surprised when the Sonographer tells us, as I would when we actually have the baby...right? I can't help myself, I'm a planner! :P
To get the baby moving, I've been told to drink very cold water or very cold orange juice right before the ultrasound. Another friend told me to eat a banana just before my appointment. She said there's a natural sugar in the fruit that babies just love. One of my husband's friends said to drink a mountain dew. I've also been told just to eat a candy bar before I went. Did you try any of these, or have you heard of anything else that might work?
We're just praying our baby isn't too modest the day of the photos-haha.
Also, I was wondering how many Moms have gotten the 3 or 4D sonograms? What did/does your doctor think about getting it done? I've heard pros and cons to the procedure and was curious. Do you think it's worth it? Were you happy you did it, or did it spoil the surprise of seeing your baby's face for the first time? Let me know what you think!

Until next time, I'm anxious!

Karyn Potts
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KR said...

I don't know how to answer any of these questions being a non-producing female... however, i feel like i would have to know. Do what is best for you and Brian. That is all that matters! :)

Anonymous said...

M&Ms, that's what I was told to eat before a sonogram. Also, its a good excuse to eat M&Ms. Get the dark chocolate ones, you know dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you.

We chose to find out with both our kids. I didn't want to wait, I'm a planner, like you!

Unknown said...

Stay away from the Dew! Anything that unnaturally juiced you don't want in there! Try headphones with some nice classical music wrapped around the belly--music always got our boys kickin'. I agree on the not waiting thing--why delay when you can get a room set up tailored to the little bugger just the gender you like it to be! As I am privileged to know your mother, I too think she would have "sneaked a peak" had the technology been available. Have you reminded her that although the technology available to her (pencils, hair, and a needle) was nothing in comparison to 3D US images, she was still cheating!!!