My Blog List

Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello LFM readers!

I've been trying to think of something really insightful to write about: whether it be something in the news, or interesting baby gear I've found, etc. Truth is, I haven't been shopping yet (as amazing as that sounds!) So what I will write about is what's been on my mind, as minor as it may be.

I've been wondering what my little girl will look like. Yes, I could go for one of those 3D Sonograms, but I figure I've already found out the sex, I might as well have SOME surprise when she's born. (Plus she won't look that way for very long afterwards.)
I wonder if she'll look more like me or Brian. You see, my family has VERY STRONG genes, and we tend to think all the kids look like Becker's (my maiden name). I've always thought my oldest brother looked like my mom, the next brother like my dad, and I got the smoosh of both.

I'm guessing she'll have bleach-blonde peach fuzz on her head, and blue eyes for sure. Brian and I were both baldies. But will she have my nose, and maybe Brian's ears? Will she be tall and thin, or short with more to love? Will she be covered in freckles (though neither of us have many of those)? Will she somehow get the dimple in her cheek my mom always wished for me? Will she have my chubby cheeks that you just want to pinch all day? Will she be like Brian, flexible like Gumby, or have terrible back problems like her mom now has?

I wonder about her personality too. Will she play music like her parents? Play sports? Be the social butterfly, or more reserved, shy kind? Will she like to draw or write stories? Will she be an animal lover? Will she love to sing and make up games? What about word-finds and crossword puzzles? Will she hate math as much as I do? Will she be adventurous? What will be her favorite food? Will she love to bake? What's going to be her favorite color?

What will our little girl be when she grows up? Will she study abroad? Will she discover something? Will she be a mom? Will she follow her dreams?

The answer to these questions: I hope so. I hope she's all these things and much more! I'm confident she'll turn out as well-rounded as we did. She has a great family, and that makes me happy, and excited to bring her into the world (though I'm still in denial about the whole "pushing her out part." :P ) I look forward to the day I get to discover and answer all of these questions.

So until next time, have fun with your "wonderments!"

Karyn Potts
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Anonymous said...

I hear they always get their mother's father's hair. So Karyn does your dad have fabulous hair?! :O)

Anonymous said...

You know what, Karyn? No matter what color hair or eyes, or whose features your daughter has, in your eyes she will be the cutest, smartest, most wonderful child the world has even known! And that is exactly how every parent should feel about his or her child.