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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Glucose Schmucose

Hello LFM Readers!

Just wanted to tell all of the expecting Mommies out there that haven't done their Glucose Test yet: it's no big deal!! People have been worrying me sick, saying "it's this HUGE sugary drink that makes you feel nauseous after a's unbearable..and if you fail the test you have to go for a 3 hour one!"

I went to my appointment yesterday, purposely very thirsty. The nurse walked in and handed me this tiny 10 ounce bottle of cold clear liquid. I was convinced my doc was about to mix this watery substance with some gross sugar mixture, but she didn't. Instead she reassured me that the tiny bottle was it, nothing more. I unscrewed the cap to take a sip. Much to my surprise, it actually tasted somewhat yummy! It was supposedly the sprite-flavored, which I'm told is the best (though I have a friend who swears by the fruit punch). The only setback was that I had to down the whole bottle within 5 minutes. Not a hard fete when you're thirsty.

While we waited for it to settle, Brian got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time (he missed the last appointment because of work). It was sweet--he basically wants to have an ultrasound every time we go; not again until 36 weeks so says my doc. Who knows, maybe he'll turn into Tom Cruise and buy a machine for our own personal use! Hahahaha!

An hour later the "Best Phlebotomist in Town" as I like to call her, drew my blood and I was free to go. Though in the excitement, my hubby and I rushed over to our closest fire station where Brian pulled some strings and did a blood sugar test on me--I think he just likes to poke people with needles :P

It came back at 112, so we're hoping the real test went just as well. Apparently they look at a range for you to be in afterwards--I guess I'll know by tomorrow!

So until next time, don't worry so much!

Karyn Potts
PS: I totally forgot to ask her about my toothache--can I take antibiotics? I think my tooth is infected :( And what about allergy medicine? I'm a mess...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here in ny, my glucose test consisted of a handful of "special" jellybeans. talk about a piece of cake!