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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

C-Section City

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

I went to the doctor again yesterday. We saw the doc who will be on-call over Thanksgiving. Seems Baby Girl is measuring the same: 36 weeks (which is good, I was hoping she'd slow down a bit and let me catch up!) However, she's still breech. Now granted I'm told that babies usually flip in their 34th-35th week (which I'm at now), so there's still time for this future soccer star (she has to be with all this kicking!) to move. BUT, I go back for a sonogram next week to check her measurements and to see if she's moved at all. If not, then I will be scheduled to have a C-Section. Wow. I know I can opt for an inversion (where they go in and physically turn the baby), but I've heard it's uncomfortable and kinda hurts. Plus the doctor said she's had babies actually turn back around afterwards, and has sometimes ended up having to do an emergency section because the baby gets stressed and their heart rate drops. I've crossed this option off the list.

Though, it seems everyone around me is amazed when I tell them the Cesarean news. "Why are they planning so early? She could still flip!" is most people's reaction. To be honest, I'd rather plan something than have an emergency section. And the day it's scheduled is only four days before her actual due date, so I'm not too worried about her being fully developed.

Yes it's weird to possibly know your child's birthdate, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. And they're going to do another sonogram right before the C-Section anyways just to check. Who knows, she may have flipped.

The only thing is, I am kinda sad. Just because it's not how I imagined having my baby. You grow up knowing you "push a baby out," not that it gets cut from your stomach--imagine explaining that to little girls, they'd never have babies! :P I know I shouldn't, but I almost feel like I will have done less of a job caring for her all this time. Like I don't deserve her since I didn't do the hard part. I didn't feel the pain, so I don't get the gold medal or purple heart of valor.

Did this happen to you? Was your baby breech? When did they flip? Did you try the inversion, and if so, did it work? How did it feel? Did you try any other methods to make them turn (i.e.: my sister-in-law has told me that she went swimming and her breech baby flipped over!) ? Let me know, I'd love to hear what you tried! THANKS :)

Until next time, get in the water and practice your flip turns!
Karyn Potts
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Becca said...

My third child was Frank Breech until 39wks at which point she turned on her own. We attempted an external cephalic version (what you called an "Inversion") at 35wks it was not painful in the least. Though I had 2 very skilled midwives perform mine, they tend to be more patient than the typical OB. It took roughly 30minutes of GENTLE pushing and pulling to turn her vertex, however she continued right on around and landed breech again. I did not use any medication to ease pain or to loosen my uterus. I did deep breathing and visualized my daughter in a vertex position I opted to wait for labor instead of jumping in and scheduling a c-section for 38wks...I am SOOO glad I waited. I felt "different" at 38wks 4 days. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but something was different. 2days later My Midwife confirmed that baby had turned vertex all on her own. And here's the kicker she was born 10days later weighing 11 lbs 15 OZ !!! If a baby THAT big can turn by herself THAT late in pregnancy, WHY are Dr.'s so keen to cut a woman at 37, 38 weeks?

I think it's inceredibly telling of your Dr.'s beliefs/attitude about birth with what she said. She is openly discouraging you from ECV in FAVOR of MAJOR abdominal surgery. And I don't think it's a coincidence, not only is your baby breech but you're due near a holiday...who wants to be called away from family gatherings to catch a baby when they can just schedule a c-section or an induction?

So here's a total strangers advice.

Try the Version...Hell Try several. Do everything you can to turn your baby. Contact (international cesarean awareness network) There is a great group of women on the chat forums who can answer questions give you guidance etc.

I know a c-section sounds like a peice of cake, but it is a MAJOR surgery with all the risks of major surgery. In comparision the risks associated with ECV and subsequent vaginal birth are minimal.

Anonymous said...

Well I have had the emergency c-section after 13 hours of labor with a baby they told me would be about 6 lbs who ended up being 8 lbs, 2 ozs. It was scary and painful but luckily we both made it. Just so you know I have done every ab exercise ever invented and still have trouble getting rid of the extra pooch.

I understand how you feel about a c-section not being the way you invisioned having your child. I felt like something special had been taken away. I only got to hold him for a few minutes immediately after and then he was gone to the nursery over 8 hours. I missed helping dress him for his pictures. I am still just glad we both made it out of there alive.

Anonymous said...

Hey Karyn! Can't say I ever went through what you are experiencing now, but as far as emergency C-sections go.........not a fun option! My sister, Diane, was in labor for many hours before they finally decided to do a section. Believe me, it is not worth the "purple heart". She suffered the worst of both worlds and it was very hard on her baby as well. You are lucky that Brian has so much medical experience behind him and will be much better able to handle being with you during the experience than some husbands! You need to concentrate on the fact that there are two ways to birth a baby, and there is one way that is going to be the best for you and that is that. It all comes down to being the best Mom you can be and I know you are always going to be that Mom!

Anonymous said...

You don't want to try inversion because its "uncomfortable and kinda hurts?" Ummmm.... LABOR is uncomfortable and it kinda hurts too. And the C-section is VERY,VERY uncomfortable and hurts like hell for days afterwards.

Try the inversion before major surgery!

Anonymous said...

We love Dr. Bennett at PAA, and really, all the doctors we've met there have been great.
Good luck with the flipping! I would definitely try different positions and exercises. It worked for one of my friends. Hope all goes well!

Anonymous said...

Goodness! Your baby's position has nothing to do with how careful you have been during your pregnancy. It does not matter how she gets here - just as long as it is safely. Weigh all your options carefully and make an informed decision. You are almost there! Then you will join the "mothers club" and begin a whole new journey! Relax now while you can and get ready for the most woderful experience of your lifetime! Infinity ++++++++++++