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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here She Comes!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Just thought I'd let you know, that we've decided to go ahead and be induced. I'm now over 40 weeks, and things are looking great. Baby girl is somewhere around 7.11 pounds, and I'm a little nervous about her getting bigger :P

I'm still just at a 1/2 centimeter dilated (oh well), and of course the doctor mentioned being able to "make me a 1 very quickly," again but then made sure to say that she knew I didn't want my membranes stripped (thank you very much!) I also had to do that Non-Stress Test with the belly belt, and doc said she was a happy baby and very textbook. The sonogram went well also, so that's good. Though, the sonographer said she couldn't find any good pockets of fluid, so that worries me a bit. I'm not thrilled with the idea of having a "dry birth."

SO, we're headed into the hospital tomorrow night for some cervix-softening medicine (I'm sure you all wanted to know that!) and then I start on a Pitocin drip Monday morning. We're told, that HOPEFULLY we'll have a baby by lunchtime--I wonder what country it will be lunchtime IN when she finally comes!?! :)

Wish me luck, my nerves are....indescribable!!!
Karyn Potts
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