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Thursday, April 16, 2009

NOT a Seasonal Blogger

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!!

I'm promising at this moment, NOT to be a "seasonal blogger!" However, I'm sure many of you understand, and DID warn me in advance: once you become a Mommy, all things fall by the wayside! I look around at closets I want to reorganize, a garage that needs cleaning out, laundry that needs putting away and a dog that needs a bath. But I decide rather, that I'd like to love all over MRP for a few long hours instead; because the way I feel being her Mom is like no other. Nothing makes me happier. It's like any piece of advice or warning anyone's ever given me about parenthood, and the feelings that come with it, have suddenly come true.

"It's like you're falling in love for the first time; but it's completely different, like nothing you've ever felt before."--Dana Tackett

"I never realized JUST how all-consuming it was going to be until it happened. One day I surprised myself in the mirror: I had BROWN eyes, unlike the beautiful BLUE ones I had been staring at for months."--Laurie Evans

"Suddenly I realized that, there was another reason I was the bread-winner. I now had this whole other person who I was responsible for. Though, asking me to give you a quote about how my life changed and how I felt when we had Jack, is like asking me the meaning of life itself-indescribable."--John Lynch

"It's like taking a piece of your heart and putting it out into the world. You just want to protect it, and make sure nothing ever happens that will ever make it hurt."--Glenda Isaac

"After ten years of waiting, seeing our own little miracle for the first time brought a huge sense of wonderment. How can a new Mom, Dad and Grandma fall in love in an instant?! We new she was a gift."--Adoptive Mom, Teena Whaley

"It's surreal when they're born. I got to be the first one to hold each one, and that was hands-down the greatest moment in my entire life; and I got to do it four times!!"--Wynn Storton

"I didn't feel like a mom when I gave birth. The twins were in the NICU and it took days before I could even hold them. I was so scared they would die that I was almost scared to love them. I got to hold Mara when she was 4 days old. When the nurse laid her incredibly tiny body on my chest, Mara sort of sighed and curled her hand in my hair. All of a sudden, that's when I knew I was a mom and that, no matter what, I loved my little angels."--Laura Hover-Skiles

"I never thought I'd be dancing around my 2-year-old daughter's room with pom poms, but I'll do anything to make her happy and see that smile. She lights up my world."--Kyle Becker

"It was the most profound sense of peace. I realized that I had finally found the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. God had surely sent me the best He had."--MY Mom, Peggy Lind

Alright, so obviously the last quote makes me cry--I've always been very close to my Mom. I think I can finally understand what it's like to have a daughter. To love her unconditionally, and whole-heartedly...there are just no words.

Until next time, love them as much as you can.
Karyn Potts
*Please share your feelings, comments, etc.*

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