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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Breastfeeding in the WHITE HOUSE

Hello LFM Readers!
As I nurse my daughter at night, my mind slowly drifts about wondering things, as many minds do when they're forced to slow down for a moment. I wonder what the future will be like, what the past was like (we didn't have cell phones, or even cordless phones when I was born; what will the world be like when MRP has kids???) My mind of course drifts back to work and the many tasks I have to accomplish the next day.

New layout? Check. Deadline reminders? Check. Create new marketing plans for clients A, B and C? Check. PUMP????? Reluctantly, check. I know breastfeeding is the very best possible thing I can do for my child. She gets tons of vitamins, nutrients, and immunities. Plus I'm saving $money$ !! But hooking up little suction cups and tubes to your boobs, and then to a machine to simulate the so-called natural action of a real child nursing, is...unnatural! It's awkward to say the least.

And having to ask for a private space to do it is quite annoying as well. Our office is very open and works somewhat like a newsroom. I share my large office with two other women; the only person with their own office is our Publisher, who is in and out and only in attendance on particular days (what they are, no one seems to know, as they are always changing from week to week). I hate having to go in and ask for her to stop whatever she is doing so I can use the room for all of ten minutes, especially when it seems to be a burden to her.

So I often wonder: where would I breastfeed if I were FIRST LADY? :P Obviously I would have secret service with me when I was out and about. Could you see their face? "Hi, um, I was wondering if you could step out of the suburban for a few minutes so I could bust out my boobs and attach them to this device to squeeze out some juice for the First Child? Don't worry, everything will be "secured!" Seriously though, I'm thinking the woman has people and cameras following her everywhere she goes. How could she privately do something so, private? I doubt they would let me borrow the Oval Office! I understand they have their own living quarters, but even there I'm sure they have prying eyes.

MRP likes to throw the cover-up blanket I have off of her head now. Which I understand, I would hate being hot under there too. And it's not really a question of modesty, it's just that I don't feel like stripping down for coworkers or women in the Macy's Lounge in the middle of the afternoon!

I think about how much easier it would be just to give MRP a bottle filled with formula, but then I also realize that by breastfeeding, I am doing what's best for HER, not what's best for ME. Isn't that what having kids is all about? :)

So until next time, remember to sacrifice a little of yourself for the betterment of your child--I'm sure the First Lady would find a way! :)
Karyn Potts
*I welcome your questions/comments: click below*


Janetta Gray said...

I always want to know what I, as The First Lady, would do with those massive blowouts that never occur until I'm in a hurry, fully dressed, & ready to walk out the door. Does TFL have to deal with poop?

Anonymous said...

so - you work for a "Family" publication and have to find somewhere to pump? Seriously?? Did they read the article in their own magazine about breast feeding???, do they not practice what they preach there???