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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Hate the Dentist...and Change!

Hello LFM readers!!

Well, quick update: I passed my Glucose test with a 104 (they want it under 130), baby's heart rate is still good, I've now gained a total of 14 pounds (many of you out there are happy to hear that since reading my "Baby Update" post on Aug. 7th!), and we've now gone to our second childbirth class.

Unfortunately, our first instructor got sick and was admitted to the hospital. I have to admit, as understanding as I was, I've now gotten three calls changing around the schedule of not just the childbirth class, but all of the other ones we're signed up for as well, for various reasons. Normally I wouldn't care, but when working a second job at night, it becomes a bit hectic having to switch things around last minute. Oh well, that's life! :)

I was a bit concerned with having a new instructor. We had just fallen in love with our first one, and she made things so comfortable. However, our new one is just as great! She explained that the two of them have different teaching methods, as instructor #1 teaches more from the prenatal perspective, and instructor #2 teaches from the labor and delivery perspective (she's a labor and delivery RN at the hospital we're delivering at). I have to say, as comfortable as I was with #1, I felt like #2 really helped to explain things a little more. She used charts and visual props, and told stories about things she's seen and various situations.

We also went on a tour of the hospital. It was nice to get a preview of where I'd be delivering and recovering. I'm also impressed with all of the security measures they take, as well as the freedom you have at the same time. The tour helped to calm some anxiousness I was having about the whole ordeal. By the end of the night, I was looking forward to next week's class.

Some of you have asked me about going to the dentist: I finally found one I like in Lexington! She's brand new-Wellington Family Dentistry. For all of you out there who don't know, I'd rather pay taxes to the IRS than go to the dentist. I've just had way too many traumatic experiences in that chair. This doctor was fantastic; so understanding of my fears and concerns. I was also super-impressed that they took the initiative to call my O.B. to see what they could and could not do or give to me. Unfortunately for her, she found out just how BAD my gag reflex was when trying to do X-Rays. I'm sure I have a permanent stamp in my file now warning the techs :P

Bad news, like usual. I was planning on getting two crowns put on after we got married, but as you all know, we found out VERY SOON afterwards that we were expecting. I decided to wait until after baby girl was born. Now however, I have an infection in my gums, all around the root canals I had done. Dentist doesn't think it's imperative I have everything fixed while still pregnant (causing so much stress in me again, and then in baby), so I had a routine cleaning and received a prescription for Penicillin for the week for the infection. Anyone want to accompany this scaredy cat in December?--> I have to have the two root canals done (AGAIN!) because decay has gotten down there (I promise I've been trying to take care of it!) And then I have to have the crowns put on. Don't worry, I've already warned them about trying to do impressions in my mouth. If they thought X-Rays were bad, wait 'til they try to do those! I definitely need someone to hold my hand.

So this wasn't a "quick update" by any means, but now you know a few more details of my pregnancy, and you were able to escape your own reality for a moment!

Until next time, be open to change!
Karyn Potts
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fyrikaos said...

I can't believe how soon you are going to pop!! It is all so exciting isn't it? I loved my lamaze instructor - she was a L&D nurse as well AND a lactation consultant! I gave birth with 2 classes remaining - and she even brought our completion certificate to the hospital and made sure that the nursing was going well! Those women are life savors!

As for the dentist - I would so be there for you! My teeth were destroyed during the pregnancy - it's just the nature of the beast I suppose. And in less than 4 hours I am having anywhere from 4 - 6 teeth pulled ( yeah, no saving them) and replaced all at once... I'm terrified!! so think of me and i'll do the same for you in december!

And let me just say that tooth pain is waaaay worse than labor!!! Trust me, i did 38 1/2 hours of labor.... I'd rather do that again lol or do 200 laps of butterfly lol much love K.

Anonymous said...

Well Karyn, good and bad in life, huh? The dentist is a real problem for many of us! Usually goes back to a bad dentist somewhere along the line. Unfortunately, I'm right up there with you, not only the fear part, but the gag problem. I did find a really good dentist years ago (she left when I moved and they would not give me a forwarding address when I returned to NY hoping to get in a dental visit while there!) and she was not only patient but helped with the gagging problem. Her advice was to keep my tongue on the roof of my helped tremendously!!
Glad the pregnancy is going so well (you look great!! good pic). Isn't it amazing how quickly the time flies? Enjoy it because as someone who hates change.........oh my gosh will your life change when your little bundle of joy arrives!!! It is not bad by any means, but change nonetheless. Right now you can just pick up and run to the store without a thought. That will become a half hour ordeal just to get out the door come December. But, I am sure you'll love every minute of it. Just change, that's all. all passes much too quickly.