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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Remember that Countdown?

Hello LFM Readers!

Remember, waaaayyy back in the beginning of this craziness, how I started a countdown to when we'd know what sex the baby was? Well, we've started a new one. We're now counting down the days until she actually arrives!

Due somewhere between Nov. 30th and Dec. 4th, I'm growing more and more impatient everyday. It probably doesn't help when I see friends and family and they ask "Hasn't she come out YET?" Brian talks to my stomach multiple times a day, trying to coax her out with treats and promises of lots of cuddle time. (I'm afraid I'll never get to hold her! :)

As far as when this little bundle will make her debut, the doctor said today that her head has come down a lot more, but that she's STILL not doing anything. Asked if I wanted to be induced, I said no--wanting to wait at least until I'm 40 weeks to make a decision like that. SO, I've made ANOTHER appointment for next week. The receptionist laughed as I told her I might not see her because I'd be busy having a baby. She assured me that since it's my first, she'll probably be late :P Were your babies late?

Oh well, the way I'm looking at it is, at least I get to enjoy my turkey day, "stuffing my own personal butterball," watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and decorating my Christmas tree; traditions I was afraid I'd miss if we were in the hospital. Do you and your family have any fun traditions?

AND, if anyone needs something to do Thanksgiving night: Fire Station #20 on Harrodsburg Rd. (across from Beaumont Centre) will be turning their Christmas Lights show on when the sun goes down. It's a lot of fun to park out front and listen to the music and coordinating lights blinking on and off for 10-12 songs. I will most likely be there visiting Brian, so stop by and say HI! (And if you want to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Firefighter Toy Drive, I'm sure they'd love that too! :)

So until next time, have a great holiday and think thoughts of dilation!!
Karyn Potts
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