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Friday, November 21, 2008

"Yup, Nothing"

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Went to the doc yesterday (we go every week now), for a check-up, and those were her words--"Yup, nothing." *Big sigh* Alas, more time to wait. But hey, I'm staying positive. I really just wanted to make sure I could "hold her in" until my Mom came--on Saturday. She'd be SO sad, as would I, if Baby Girl came without her being here. Plus I'm told that I can be doing "nothing" one minute, and be dilated the next day.

I guess after my Mom comes, we'll be trying different things to help baby come out. Walking, spicy food (though I'm tired of all the heart burn!), swimming...any recommendations? We're going to make reservations at The Glitz (it's a fabulously fun, girly place in Nonesuch, KY--about 20 minutes away, by Versailles) for dessert. Last time we were there, they told me they have THREE accounts on their books of women going into labor after having their famous Nonesuch Kiss dessert! How great would THAT last meal be? I have a feeling she'll come next week anyways, but it'd be nice to enjoy Thanksgiving at home :)

I know this update is short, but there's really not much left to do now but WAIT.

Until next time, watch the clock!
Karyn Potts
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