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Friday, November 14, 2008

Her Own Time Clock

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Well, as of today, baby girl isn't even close to coming out! I've had this feeling for a week now that she'd come at any moment, but apparently I'm wrong. Brian blames it on me "making her a good house." :) Which is okay, because I still have about 2 weeks left anyways.

Oddly enough, my doctor asked if I had thought about having an induction. Brian said YES, I said NO. I had to explain to her that if it were up to him, he would have had her in his arms a week ago--he's so excited. She said I obviously didn't have to decide today, but that I could call her or let her know our next visit.

For all of you about to spew objections and who ride the "Inductions are BAD" bandwagon: please know that I don't plan on having one. I would possibly think about one if something were wrong: low fluid, low heart rate, gestational diabetes, etc. However, baby girl is still passing tests with flying colors, and I see no reason to have her come into this world before she's good and fully cooked. My amniotic fluid level went up to 8.4 so that's a plus, and her heart rate is great. I think she's fine where she is, and there's no reason I can't wait a few more weeks (though thoroughly uncomfortable at this point!)

I've also been told that the hospitals in Lexington have a 95% induction rate, which many say is too high. I have to agree--babies will come when they're ready. I just hope I am!

Until next time, keep this little diddy in mind: Patience is a Virtue, Virtue is a Grace, put the two together and HAVE A HAPPY FACE! :)
Karyn Potts
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news, Karyn! Glad all is well and that you are going to let "nature" take it's course. It's hard when you are so uncomfortable, and it's tempting to have a schedule, but as long as all is well.............
Just hang in there and enjoy. Try to take advantage of the little bit of exclusively adult time that you and Brian have left before the Boss arrives! Pretty soon you'll be on baby schedule and it lasts for quite some time. Have fun and just be sure to enjoy every moment of the experience.