My Blog List

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Here She Comes!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Just thought I'd let you know, that we've decided to go ahead and be induced. I'm now over 40 weeks, and things are looking great. Baby girl is somewhere around 7.11 pounds, and I'm a little nervous about her getting bigger :P

I'm still just at a 1/2 centimeter dilated (oh well), and of course the doctor mentioned being able to "make me a 1 very quickly," again but then made sure to say that she knew I didn't want my membranes stripped (thank you very much!) I also had to do that Non-Stress Test with the belly belt, and doc said she was a happy baby and very textbook. The sonogram went well also, so that's good. Though, the sonographer said she couldn't find any good pockets of fluid, so that worries me a bit. I'm not thrilled with the idea of having a "dry birth."

SO, we're headed into the hospital tomorrow night for some cervix-softening medicine (I'm sure you all wanted to know that!) and then I start on a Pitocin drip Monday morning. We're told, that HOPEFULLY we'll have a baby by lunchtime--I wonder what country it will be lunchtime IN when she finally comes!?! :)

Wish me luck, my nerves are....indescribable!!!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Strip This!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

Wow, do I have a story for you! Nothing phenomenol, but a tid bit that will make you sit back, a little shocked I'm sure. I went to the doctor yesterday. I decided that since I'm 40 weeks today, that if I was "doing anything," I'd tell her to go ahead and set up an induction.

My doc came in saying things like "We need to get this baby out's really time.." WHAT? I'm just NOW due. I now firmly believe that she's been miffed for the past few weeks when I'd go in and say "no" to induction, C-section, and complaining about how much my internal exams were. She and the (younger than me) nurse would pat my arm or leg saying how I was just "sensitive" and how I shouldn't be in pain. Though the last time I checked, I've never had quite the burning sensation I get any other exam I've had growing up! Perhaps I'm allergic to something she's using?

Point being: It was the MOST PAINFUL internal exam I have ever had in my ENTIRE life! She did one, and I somehow just breathed through it. She then told me to scoot down even more to do another one. WHY? I had no clue, but obliged. The next thing I felt, I can only compare pain-wise to when I had two bulging discs in my back! I screamed and burst into tears.

Now let me tell you, I like to think I'm a "toughy," and can handle most painful things, but this experience was unbearable. I had to tell her to stop at least three times before she did, and my husband had to run to my aid and calm me down.

Apparently I was only dilated a 1/2 centimeter. The doctor then informed me that she could easily make me a 1, and that might send me into labor. Of course at this point, at 40 weeks, I'm ready for Baby Girl to be born, so I asked what that would entail. She told me she'd have to strip my membranes. "Does it hurt, as much as what you just did to me?" I asked through the pouring of tears down my face. She replied, " will hurt more." I quickly said "Then no, I'll wait." She seemed annoyed and said "I thought you wanted to have this baby?"

My Mom interjected and asked if induction was a possibility. She turned to my Mom and said "I've asked her the last two times she's been here, and she's said no each time, that she didn't want to do it." Brian, being the fantastic husband he is, perked right up and cut her off saying "Well, she wanted to wait and see if she'd go on her own. She wanted to wait until she was at least starting to dilate." She asked me if that's what I wanted to do, and I replied with an awkward "Yes." I was so glad to have both my Mom and Brian there, able to speak for me when I couldn't.

She came back into the room saying I'd have to go for a Non-Stress Test sonogram on Friday, come in on Sunday night to the hospital, and start my Pitocin drip Monday morning. Finally, a plan (though I wish it were earlier).

Now other than having little bedside manner and causing me insane pain, here's what makes us all a little peeved about my doctor visit yesterday: As she walked out of the room, my Mom asked what Stripping the Membranes actually entailed. (Sidenote: my Mom's in the medical field as well, and I have a real issue when doctors try to talk down to people.) She explained, very shortly, that it was a procedure that she does to get labor going, that separates the membranes from the wall (kind of like having your water broken, but not). Mom said "Oh, so she doesn't necessarily have to have it done." The doctor then turns to the three of us snidely, and says "Well, none of my patients get away without having it done. It's kinda like my signature move." She snickered and walked out the door.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?????? We all looked at eachother in disbelief. I couldn't believe what had just come out of her mouth. Like she was "going to get me no matter what." As if she's going to have her way, and if she thinks I should feel the pain, I should. I'm feeling very discouraged now. I've had this wonderful, not-that-bad pregnancy, so I'm now convinced my labor and delivery will be the story from you know where.

I know everything is my choice, and I can say what I want and what I don't want. I will have my two advocates (Mom and Brian) there to help get my views and wants across. I'm just wondering though, did anything like this happen to you?

Until next time, give me some advice!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Remember that Countdown?

Hello LFM Readers!

Remember, waaaayyy back in the beginning of this craziness, how I started a countdown to when we'd know what sex the baby was? Well, we've started a new one. We're now counting down the days until she actually arrives!

Due somewhere between Nov. 30th and Dec. 4th, I'm growing more and more impatient everyday. It probably doesn't help when I see friends and family and they ask "Hasn't she come out YET?" Brian talks to my stomach multiple times a day, trying to coax her out with treats and promises of lots of cuddle time. (I'm afraid I'll never get to hold her! :)

As far as when this little bundle will make her debut, the doctor said today that her head has come down a lot more, but that she's STILL not doing anything. Asked if I wanted to be induced, I said no--wanting to wait at least until I'm 40 weeks to make a decision like that. SO, I've made ANOTHER appointment for next week. The receptionist laughed as I told her I might not see her because I'd be busy having a baby. She assured me that since it's my first, she'll probably be late :P Were your babies late?

Oh well, the way I'm looking at it is, at least I get to enjoy my turkey day, "stuffing my own personal butterball," watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and decorating my Christmas tree; traditions I was afraid I'd miss if we were in the hospital. Do you and your family have any fun traditions?

AND, if anyone needs something to do Thanksgiving night: Fire Station #20 on Harrodsburg Rd. (across from Beaumont Centre) will be turning their Christmas Lights show on when the sun goes down. It's a lot of fun to park out front and listen to the music and coordinating lights blinking on and off for 10-12 songs. I will most likely be there visiting Brian, so stop by and say HI! (And if you want to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Firefighter Toy Drive, I'm sure they'd love that too! :)

So until next time, have a great holiday and think thoughts of dilation!!
Karyn Potts
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Friday, November 21, 2008

"Yup, Nothing"

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Went to the doc yesterday (we go every week now), for a check-up, and those were her words--"Yup, nothing." *Big sigh* Alas, more time to wait. But hey, I'm staying positive. I really just wanted to make sure I could "hold her in" until my Mom came--on Saturday. She'd be SO sad, as would I, if Baby Girl came without her being here. Plus I'm told that I can be doing "nothing" one minute, and be dilated the next day.

I guess after my Mom comes, we'll be trying different things to help baby come out. Walking, spicy food (though I'm tired of all the heart burn!), swimming...any recommendations? We're going to make reservations at The Glitz (it's a fabulously fun, girly place in Nonesuch, KY--about 20 minutes away, by Versailles) for dessert. Last time we were there, they told me they have THREE accounts on their books of women going into labor after having their famous Nonesuch Kiss dessert! How great would THAT last meal be? I have a feeling she'll come next week anyways, but it'd be nice to enjoy Thanksgiving at home :)

I know this update is short, but there's really not much left to do now but WAIT.

Until next time, watch the clock!
Karyn Potts
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Friday, November 14, 2008

Her Own Time Clock

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Well, as of today, baby girl isn't even close to coming out! I've had this feeling for a week now that she'd come at any moment, but apparently I'm wrong. Brian blames it on me "making her a good house." :) Which is okay, because I still have about 2 weeks left anyways.

Oddly enough, my doctor asked if I had thought about having an induction. Brian said YES, I said NO. I had to explain to her that if it were up to him, he would have had her in his arms a week ago--he's so excited. She said I obviously didn't have to decide today, but that I could call her or let her know our next visit.

For all of you about to spew objections and who ride the "Inductions are BAD" bandwagon: please know that I don't plan on having one. I would possibly think about one if something were wrong: low fluid, low heart rate, gestational diabetes, etc. However, baby girl is still passing tests with flying colors, and I see no reason to have her come into this world before she's good and fully cooked. My amniotic fluid level went up to 8.4 so that's a plus, and her heart rate is great. I think she's fine where she is, and there's no reason I can't wait a few more weeks (though thoroughly uncomfortable at this point!)

I've also been told that the hospitals in Lexington have a 95% induction rate, which many say is too high. I have to agree--babies will come when they're ready. I just hope I am!

Until next time, keep this little diddy in mind: Patience is a Virtue, Virtue is a Grace, put the two together and HAVE A HAPPY FACE! :)
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Can Anyone See the Future?

Hello LFM Readers!

I just thought I'd let you know that I will NOT be having a scheduled C-Section! We went in for our 36-week sonogram, and apparently what they thought was her head poking out at the top of my tummy, is actually her little butt :) Her head is where it's supposed to be, nice and low.

The only somewhat bad news, is that my amniotic fluid level is slightly low. On a scale, they like it to be between 10 and 20, worrying when it reaches 5 or below. I'm at a 7. SO, I've been told to drink drink drink this week (as if I don't run to the bathroom enough as it is!) We'll be going back again next week for ANOTHER sonogram to see if my levels have gone up at all. Cross your fingers.

On another note: they guess-timated how big she is. Right now she's at 6.9 *wow* and might be a little bigger than 8 pounds when she finally comes out, which we're back to not knowing when. It's funny: I was sad two weeks ago when they mentioned a C-section, but Brian and I slowly got used to the idea. By yesterday, we were thrilled to know when she'd be coming, and had been planning for her scheduled arrival. Mom's bought her plane ticket, Thanksgiving dinner had been planned, etc. etc.

Now, we're back to having to be ready at a moments notice...and the thought of pushing her out, possibly being over 8 pounds, all seems very daunting again. Oh well, as long as she gets her safely, she can come when she's ready and I'll be ecstatic no matter what (especially after it's over)!! :) I guess we better finish her nursery!

So until next time, go with the flow!
Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

C-Section City

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

I went to the doctor again yesterday. We saw the doc who will be on-call over Thanksgiving. Seems Baby Girl is measuring the same: 36 weeks (which is good, I was hoping she'd slow down a bit and let me catch up!) However, she's still breech. Now granted I'm told that babies usually flip in their 34th-35th week (which I'm at now), so there's still time for this future soccer star (she has to be with all this kicking!) to move. BUT, I go back for a sonogram next week to check her measurements and to see if she's moved at all. If not, then I will be scheduled to have a C-Section. Wow. I know I can opt for an inversion (where they go in and physically turn the baby), but I've heard it's uncomfortable and kinda hurts. Plus the doctor said she's had babies actually turn back around afterwards, and has sometimes ended up having to do an emergency section because the baby gets stressed and their heart rate drops. I've crossed this option off the list.

Though, it seems everyone around me is amazed when I tell them the Cesarean news. "Why are they planning so early? She could still flip!" is most people's reaction. To be honest, I'd rather plan something than have an emergency section. And the day it's scheduled is only four days before her actual due date, so I'm not too worried about her being fully developed.

Yes it's weird to possibly know your child's birthdate, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. And they're going to do another sonogram right before the C-Section anyways just to check. Who knows, she may have flipped.

The only thing is, I am kinda sad. Just because it's not how I imagined having my baby. You grow up knowing you "push a baby out," not that it gets cut from your stomach--imagine explaining that to little girls, they'd never have babies! :P I know I shouldn't, but I almost feel like I will have done less of a job caring for her all this time. Like I don't deserve her since I didn't do the hard part. I didn't feel the pain, so I don't get the gold medal or purple heart of valor.

Did this happen to you? Was your baby breech? When did they flip? Did you try the inversion, and if so, did it work? How did it feel? Did you try any other methods to make them turn (i.e.: my sister-in-law has told me that she went swimming and her breech baby flipped over!) ? Let me know, I'd love to hear what you tried! THANKS :)

Until next time, get in the water and practice your flip turns!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's the Worst?

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

I was at my favorite watering hole tonight (otherwise known as the gym), and I couldn't help but count how many people stopped me to comment on the size of my growing belly. I kept getting comments like "Wow, you only have about a week or two left, huh?" and "Oh my gosh, your belly has REALLLYY popped out all of sudden! When are you due? REALLY SOON right?" Yeah, not so much.

My due date isn't until the beginning of December, but if you've read my post about the baby's sudden growth spurt ("Holy Cannolis"), you'll know she's suddenly growing very fast. The way the LFM office is figuring now, I could be due anywhere from the middle of November on. BUT, I blame the comments and stares on what I'm wearing on a given day. If it's something loose and flowy, I get nothing. If I wear a tighter fitting t-shirt (like tonight), I get the eyes popping from the heads.

I had a server say to me the other day that she figured I was "doing the healthy thing" because I didn't want cheese on my salad and the fact I ordered water (give me a break, I just don't like cheese on certain things, and I'm not having caffeine!) Apparently it's only obvious to SOME people that I'm so pregnant I'm about to pop! *stupid girl*

I'm wondering: what's the worst thing that someone has ever said to you while you were pregnant? Please, let me know!

Until next time, have a little couth!!
Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a Miracle

Hello LFM Readers!

Let me start by saying: Congratulations to every Mom out there that has successfully raised a child! I'm not meaning that your children have to be practically perfect in every way, because that's reserved for Mary Poppins. I'm talking about literally just getting them to the age they can stand on their own two feet and provide for themselves.

I called my own Mother last night and congratulated her. She laughed of course, and thanked me. I couldn't help it though! Brian and I went to our Baby Boot Camp class last night (a 3.5 hour overview on how to take care of a newborn--we found it to be insightful, and I recommend it for new Moms, especially those without family in town). The instructor went over everyday care like diapering, bathing, feeding and burping, swaddling, crying, etc. We also had a Pediatrician come in to talk about all of the various visits we'd have to go through, immunizations, as well as when to go to the doc and when not to worry. I STILL need a Pediatrician,..please, any recommendations?

By the end of the evening, I was totally amazed that I've made it to adulthood without any problems. Granted I've had my share of Strep Throat, and obviously had the chicken pox, not to mention a broken wrist. Other than that, I was in tip top shape! I'm not allergic to anything (like grass, peanuts, or any kind of medicine), and I never really missed school. I wasn't a daycare kid, so I missed out on things like colds, pin worms, rotavirus, upper respiratory or gastrointestinal problems. What did your children suffer from the most growing up? Anything?

It just blows my mind that my Mom raised THREE healthy kids! I'm only hoping to be so lucky. :)

Until next time, be grateful to your Mother!
Karyn Potts
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Holy Cannolis!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

I'm officially 33 weeks as of yesterday, not much longer now! Though, I've had a bit of startling news: When I went to the doctor at 30 weeks, they measured my belly. Turned out Baby Girl was only measuring 29.5, and they mentioned she might be small. Heck, that's fine with me, I'm the one having to push her out!

However, when I went back at 32 weeks, my doctor kept meauring my belly over and over again. I think I counted four times. She kept looking back and forth between my belly and the chart; I started to get nervous. She looked a bit confused, and asked if she was right in thinking I was only 32 along. "Yes," I said, "why?" "Well, it looks like your baby went through a HUUUUUUUGE growth spurt in the last few weeks. She's gone from measuring 29.5 to 36 weeks!"

OH...MY...GOSH. She then asked me how big my husband and I were. I was only 6.12, but unfortunately, Brian was over 9 pounds! "Mmmhmmm," said my doctor. She wanted to schedule me for a sonogram at my next visit, and I thought that was a great idea since I wasn't going to be getting another one for four weeks--thought I'd sneak in an extra one. But then she realized that I'd be getting one at 36 weeks, and decided to wait until then to test her weight and measurements.

I'm also having to see the doctor who's on-call over Thanksgiving, just in case Baby Girl decides to come early.

I was so dumbfounded, I couldn't ask her any questions, such as "Does this mean she's coming early?" "Or, is she just gonna be a big baby?" By the way, Brian's now convinced we're "having a porker." That, or we're really having twins. Nice huh? :P Did this happen to any of you? I'm hoping she just doesn't grow much from here on out--Lord help me, I can't have a 9 pounder!!

Until next time, ham it up!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Paranoia Has Suddenly Set In

Hello LFM readers!

It has come to my attention, in the middle of the night while trying to sleep of course, that I am exceptionally worried about someone falling down my stairs while holding my baby. (Horrible thought I know.) The bottom half of our stairs and landing is hardwood, with the next set being fully carpeted.

I just keep picturing myself, Brian or my Mom tumbling down the stairs while holding her. My sister-in-law has told me the same thing: "Stop wearing socks," she says. We sat at our desks compiling plans: perhaps we can just lower the baby up and down on a pulley system? Or maybe wrap her in a bubble wrap sling for the trip? I'm starting to think she's going to have to live either upstairs or downstairs for the first few years :P

I'm told, regretfully, that these feelings of paranoia and worry will only get worse and stronger when she's actually born, and all thoughout her life. Great!! Worry wart, party of one!? Who's with me, anyone? What are or were some of your worries for your child? Let me know; I'd hate to think I'm alone on this one!

Until next time, breathe!
Karyn Potts
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I need a Pediatrician!

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Main point: I need a Pediatrician! (Much like I need a daycare!) I've asked around about both Peds and daycares, and I seem to be getting nowhere. Everyone I know seems to have a different Pediatrician and daycare from the next person I ask. Isn't there one in Lexington that many people love? I'd like to stay over by Hamburg, but at this point I'm just looking for someplace I can take my little girl and be happy with her healthcare, and supervision.

I want to know that her doctor KNOWS her. I want the baby to be comfortable with him/her and vice versa. I want them to be hands-on, and interested in what I have to say and how I'm feeling about her treatment if or when the time comes (vaccines, tests, finger pricks, etc.) I want them to CARE.

I also want to know that my little girl is safe during the day. That she's getting the enrichment I'm paying out the waz for. That she's having fun, making friends, learning! I want them to CARE.

Any recommendations? Please, LET ME KNOW!

Until next time, help a girl out!
Karyn Potts
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Mommy Palin

Hello LFM readers!

I'm just wondering: how do you feel about Sarah Palin? Not as a Republican Vice Presidential Candidate, (I would NEVER start that kind of thread on here :P) but as a Mom? She now has 5 children; with her latest having Down Syndrome. And of course we've all heard about her oldest teen daughter's pregnancy and the controversy surrounding the situation.

How do you feel about her time management? Granted, as a first-time Mommy, I'm naturally worried about how I will handle work, baby, husband, house, pet, finances, extra-curriculars, etc. etc. And we're just having ONE baby! People these days don't seem to have big families anymore--I'm guessing mainly because of finances, not for lack of wanting them. But I'm just wondering how she would handle everything she has going on: 5 kids, husband, pets, house, extra-curriculars,...oh yeah, and a little thing like being Vice President of the United States. Does she really have the time to fit the American public in? Without loosing a grip on other aspects in her life? I can barely grocery shop on the weekends depending on what I have going on!

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for women's rights, equalities, liberties, you name it. Heck, I'm totally telling my little girl to be the President when she grows up! I'm just thinking it'd be a little less stressful without so much on her plate.

So, tell me, how do you feel about this busy Mom possibly becoming VP?

Until next time, get out and vote!
Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Hate the Dentist...and Change!

Hello LFM readers!!

Well, quick update: I passed my Glucose test with a 104 (they want it under 130), baby's heart rate is still good, I've now gained a total of 14 pounds (many of you out there are happy to hear that since reading my "Baby Update" post on Aug. 7th!), and we've now gone to our second childbirth class.

Unfortunately, our first instructor got sick and was admitted to the hospital. I have to admit, as understanding as I was, I've now gotten three calls changing around the schedule of not just the childbirth class, but all of the other ones we're signed up for as well, for various reasons. Normally I wouldn't care, but when working a second job at night, it becomes a bit hectic having to switch things around last minute. Oh well, that's life! :)

I was a bit concerned with having a new instructor. We had just fallen in love with our first one, and she made things so comfortable. However, our new one is just as great! She explained that the two of them have different teaching methods, as instructor #1 teaches more from the prenatal perspective, and instructor #2 teaches from the labor and delivery perspective (she's a labor and delivery RN at the hospital we're delivering at). I have to say, as comfortable as I was with #1, I felt like #2 really helped to explain things a little more. She used charts and visual props, and told stories about things she's seen and various situations.

We also went on a tour of the hospital. It was nice to get a preview of where I'd be delivering and recovering. I'm also impressed with all of the security measures they take, as well as the freedom you have at the same time. The tour helped to calm some anxiousness I was having about the whole ordeal. By the end of the night, I was looking forward to next week's class.

Some of you have asked me about going to the dentist: I finally found one I like in Lexington! She's brand new-Wellington Family Dentistry. For all of you out there who don't know, I'd rather pay taxes to the IRS than go to the dentist. I've just had way too many traumatic experiences in that chair. This doctor was fantastic; so understanding of my fears and concerns. I was also super-impressed that they took the initiative to call my O.B. to see what they could and could not do or give to me. Unfortunately for her, she found out just how BAD my gag reflex was when trying to do X-Rays. I'm sure I have a permanent stamp in my file now warning the techs :P

Bad news, like usual. I was planning on getting two crowns put on after we got married, but as you all know, we found out VERY SOON afterwards that we were expecting. I decided to wait until after baby girl was born. Now however, I have an infection in my gums, all around the root canals I had done. Dentist doesn't think it's imperative I have everything fixed while still pregnant (causing so much stress in me again, and then in baby), so I had a routine cleaning and received a prescription for Penicillin for the week for the infection. Anyone want to accompany this scaredy cat in December?--> I have to have the two root canals done (AGAIN!) because decay has gotten down there (I promise I've been trying to take care of it!) And then I have to have the crowns put on. Don't worry, I've already warned them about trying to do impressions in my mouth. If they thought X-Rays were bad, wait 'til they try to do those! I definitely need someone to hold my hand.

So this wasn't a "quick update" by any means, but now you know a few more details of my pregnancy, and you were able to escape your own reality for a moment!

Until next time, be open to change!
Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Childbirth Class

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Well, this is it. We've just started our series of classes, gearing up to be Mommy and Daddy. From here on out we'll be busy in the upcoming weeks with work, baby classes, putting together the nursery and baby showers. Not to mention the holidays are just around the corner!

I thought tonight was fun, and Brian seemed to enjoy the class as well. He volunteered to wear the 25-pound backpack filled with rice on his belly, and ankle weights, all to experience how I was feeling. Welcome to my world honey! The instructor gave each of the men a tiny gift for at least trying it on. Good job men!

We started the class off by introducing other couples to the room, which sounds a little overdone, but I actually thought it helped break the ice a bit. Plus you don't feel as stupid trying to get on and off the floor when you know the names of others around you going through the same thing.

We learned some different positions to lay in while in labor, as well as some key techniques to breathing and relaxation. We also watched a film on one couple's birth (all natural--WOW), and took a bunch of bathroom breaks, thankfully :) Question and answer time made me feel a lot more assured that we're not the only ones who are new to the game. Everyone in the class is having their first baby, and seemed just as green as we are.

The instructor was fantastic! About 33 years under her belt, and still going strong. She was very comfortable talking to the class, and made it feel like it was just a bunch of friends comparing notes on what's going on with people's bodies, what to expect when in the hospital, sonogram accuracy (and lack thereof), birth plans, optional medicine(s), car seat safety, etc. Needless to say, we talked about a lot of topics!

Next week we'll be touring the hospital and going through the whole birthing process more in depth (I'm assuming).

Let me also note: while in class, I was so thankful that Brian was there supporting me. He held my hand, rubbed my back, and kept me laughing. I was glad he watched the video showing how great the woman's husband was during the birth, and that he was surrounded by other men with their wives. I was sure some of this would rub off on him. However when we got home, he turned to me and said "I just don't think it's going to be as bad or hurt as much as you think it is." UMMMMM, WHAT? I'm grateful that he's trying to be supportive and positive, but how can I possibly help him understand what I'll be going through in just a few months? Any ideas? What have you done, or have you heard of, that will help a man understand the breadth of the situation? I have plenty of books lying around about childbirth, pregnancy--even one for men! But he's yet to pick one up. I'd LOVE to hear some ideas. Let me know!

Until next time, study up!

Karyn Potts

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Glucose Schmucose

Hello LFM Readers!

Just wanted to tell all of the expecting Mommies out there that haven't done their Glucose Test yet: it's no big deal!! People have been worrying me sick, saying "it's this HUGE sugary drink that makes you feel nauseous after a's unbearable..and if you fail the test you have to go for a 3 hour one!"

I went to my appointment yesterday, purposely very thirsty. The nurse walked in and handed me this tiny 10 ounce bottle of cold clear liquid. I was convinced my doc was about to mix this watery substance with some gross sugar mixture, but she didn't. Instead she reassured me that the tiny bottle was it, nothing more. I unscrewed the cap to take a sip. Much to my surprise, it actually tasted somewhat yummy! It was supposedly the sprite-flavored, which I'm told is the best (though I have a friend who swears by the fruit punch). The only setback was that I had to down the whole bottle within 5 minutes. Not a hard fete when you're thirsty.

While we waited for it to settle, Brian got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time (he missed the last appointment because of work). It was sweet--he basically wants to have an ultrasound every time we go; not again until 36 weeks so says my doc. Who knows, maybe he'll turn into Tom Cruise and buy a machine for our own personal use! Hahahaha!

An hour later the "Best Phlebotomist in Town" as I like to call her, drew my blood and I was free to go. Though in the excitement, my hubby and I rushed over to our closest fire station where Brian pulled some strings and did a blood sugar test on me--I think he just likes to poke people with needles :P

It came back at 112, so we're hoping the real test went just as well. Apparently they look at a range for you to be in afterwards--I guess I'll know by tomorrow!

So until next time, don't worry so much!

Karyn Potts
PS: I totally forgot to ask her about my toothache--can I take antibiotics? I think my tooth is infected :( And what about allergy medicine? I'm a mess...
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Things that go BUMP in the Night

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine Readers!

Bump update: the night before last I sat down on the couch, only to see some sort of body part poke out and run across my stomach. It felt...weird obviously, like I was being tickled from the inside; which is different from the feeling of being kicked all the time. I tried to get my sleeping husband's attention, but he just wouldn't wake up (men!) Even though she did it a few more times, he still missed it. Oh well, I'm sure it's just the first of many appearances her little limbs will be making soon.

On another note, I'm feeling quite ROTUND. I saw my profile tonight in a mirror as I was walking passed, and felt totally unrecognizable. I know many of you Mommies out there understand exactly how I feel. Am I horrible to feel this way? I KNOW I am pregnant, I KNOW I'm only going to get bigger (there goes that "only 6 pounds" from earlier), I know I know I know. But sometimes knowledge doesn't make things OK in my mind. Yes I wrote a whole post about the crazy woman at the gym working out way too soon after having her baby, but AFTER baby is out is a different story. I can't do anything about it right now but vent (and the Prenatal Yoga DVD a friend slipped to me recently).

I haven't really complained about my body or what's been happening to it. Frankly I've been that girl that everyone hates because none of the "bad stuff" has really happened to me. However, in the last week my feet swelled up to the size of sausages (I'm talking remote control boats here people!) so much so I had to work from home for two days, had horrible heart burn, bad headaches, uncontrollable allergies, and was seriously considering just sleeping sitting on the toilet one night--I think this little girl has been inspired by the Olympics, and is using my bladder as a vault! A good night's sleep seems to be a thing of the past.

I've been a professional insomniac for at least ten years now. But surprisingly enough in my first trimester I was happy to be going to bed before midnight (it was a miracle in my mind). Now I may make it to the bed, but the idea of comfort and actual rest might be as fathom-able as seeing a Unicorn at the Horse Park. What can I do, other than suck it up and deal?? I'm thinking of buying one of those "Wedges" to make sure I don't roll onto my right side while sleeping (which of course is always more comfortable for me), or maybe one of those "S" looking pillows that wraps around your body...Ugh, any suggestions at this point are very welcome!

It's almost 1AM, so I'll now get off my soapbox and leave you to comment and share your thoughts with me!

Until next time, enjoy your cheese without my whine!

Karyn Potts
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Crafty Time

Hello LFM Readers!

I've been feeling a bit sentimental lately, and am contemplating putting together some sort of project for my daughter. You know those cards you can buy at Cracker Barrell with the year you were born on it, and all of the interesting things that happened during that time? I was thinking of something like that; (a scrapbook-type thing maybe?) to be done after she's born obviously, with maybe the top song on the billboard list, what fashion trends are popular, what's going on in the news, who the president is, the top movie of the week and/or year, what new technology has just come out, etc, etc.

I've heard of some people keeping journals or diaries during their pregnancy. This not only helps Mom remember for the next time around, but also gives the child a sense of all the things Mom was going through and feeling for 40 weeks. We just got a new book in to review the other day at Lexington FAMILY Magazine, called "Love Letters Before Birth and Beyond" by Mary Knight--a great idea. My publisher's sister has actually kept a diary for her son for 28 years (and counting)--WOW!

I've also heard of parents putting together Keepsake Boxes, with items like the daily newspaper from the day the child was born, as well as all of the cards and well-wishes from the shower.

One idea that my own Mom has already started me on is for Christmastime. Instead of doing an advent calendar, we'll have 25 Christmas books. We'll keep them boxed away, and wrap them up every year under the tree. Each night our daughter can open one and that will be our bedtime story! This way we'll be counting down the days, as well as relieving some of the stress and anxiety of having to "wait until Santa comes" to unwrap a gift.

Do you have any other ideas? Was there something special you did for your own child like this? I'd love to know, drop me a line or two!

Until next time, relish the sentiments!

Karyn Potts
PS: Next week I go for my Glucose Test; I've heard the orange flavor is the way to go, but my doctor thinks the Sprite-flavored one is better. Any suggestions?

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Are You Serious?

Hello LFM Readers!

I just have a question for all of the post-natal Mommies out there: how do you feel about your body after you've given birth? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Like your body is a fantastically-designed warrior of some sort? Does the fact that you lived through such an experience amaze you? (My sister-in-law reminds me that women in other countries have babies out in fields every day!)

Though I have yet to go through it myself, I feel as though someone better be giving me an Olympic Gold Medal after I have this little girl. Yes, I'm opting for the ever-popular epidural in hopes of easing some pain, but I still understand giving birth is most likely going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

That said, I'm fully prepared to accept whatever shape and form my body molds into afterwards. I'm wondering however, about a certain woman's frame of mind I saw yesterday at my local gym.

She came in with a baby sling on. Inside it, I could see a very little head peaking out and long skinny legs--no fat on him yet. He must have been "new to the world." I figured she must be bringing him to the playroom while she worked out; but why would she go through the trouble of putting him in the sling just to walk through the parking lot?

She checked in at the front desk, saying she wasn't planning on doing anything strenuous, she just "wants to lose her baby weight," and kept on walking to the back of the gym. The girl at the front desk and I looked at eachother in disbelief. Surely she wasn't going to work-out with a baby strapped to her, was she? The employee quickly picked up the phone and called a Manager to go and talk to the Mommy. No one under the age of 12 is allowed in the work-out area (insurance, yada yada yada), not to mention if the Mommy got hurt in some way and hurt the baby too.
I watched the Mommy leave after her confrontation with the Manager. Apparently he caught her on the floor doing crunches--all with a tiny 4-week old baby attached to her!! (I overheard him mention to the Mommy that she could leave the baby in the playroom; that's when she said just how old he was.)

I stood there shocked. Wow. Are you serious? Are you THAT crazy about your body that you can't even wait until the 6-week check-up point to start working out again? Though she wasn't super-defined, it's not like she was overweight by any means. She's not a trainer at the gym, nor is she a celebrity jumping back on schedule for a couture runway show. If she's that gung-ho about getting her pre-pregnancy body back, why not just take the baby for a walk, or try doing some yoga?

I just didn't, (and still don't) understand what the fascination is. With all of the body image pressure on young girls and women these days, shouldn't someone be easing their stress somehow? Especially after having a baby??? Look, I'm no Heidi Klum by any means. But what I have come to grips with, is that if I didn't look like her before, I'm most likely not going to look like her after. Why try?

My advice: slow down! Give your body a chance to recuperate after this most joyous occasion of having a baby. No one expects you to be super-model-ready just weeks afterwards, so you shouldn't either. People in your life understand what you're going through; there's no need to impress anyone. Take the time to bond with your child, as you will never get these precious moments back!

Until next time, put away your bikinis!

Karyn Potts

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Baby Update

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!

Time for a check-up! I went to the doctor Tuesday and low and behold, have only gained 6 pounds for my entire pregnancy! WOW! Ladies and gentleman, let me just inform you now--I am NOT the kind of person who only gains 6 pounds over six months. I can gain that in two days if I want to. So imagine my surprise when I got that news! I thought this whole time when I was being weighed and updated, that the pounds were between each visit, not total! My doctor actually said I should come and teach her other patients how to eat :P Her heart rate is great, as is mine, and apparently I look "fantastic on paper." Hope that means I do, not on paper..?

I've been trying to eat well, and walk when I can. Though I do have one complaint: my feet have been swelling slightly every once in a while. And my back hurts sometimes (but that's a bit normal for me). Has anyone tried those belly belts? I hear they're a lifesaver; but when I tried one on a few weeks ago, I didn't seem to notice a difference. Perhaps I need to wear one a few days to feel the benefits? What do you suggest? My sister-in-law in Missouri gets free prenatal massages; but when I checked into it, I was told I'd just have to see a general physical therapist for treatment--"Not the same thing" I've been told by other Mommys. Is there someone I can see or an affordable place anyone has gone to or heard about?

One thing I'm proud of myself for doing this week: scheduling our classes. I've signed Brian and I up for a 3-week Childbirth class, a Breastfeeding class, Breathing & Relaxation, and Baby Boot Camp. I think we're also registering for Infant CPR (though it's more for me since Brian deals with that in his job), as well as a Baby Signs class. The latter class is said to reduce frustration for you and your child, as well as *maybe* raise their IQ; and I loved taking Sign Language when I was in college. I like to pretend we'll be as ready and educated as we possibly can before this little "bundle of unknowingness" comes!

Other than being proactive and watching my health, I've been watching the SALES!!! It's official: I should no longer be allowed to go shopping by myself! :) I spent two days in Gymboree and the Children's Place at the mall. I then decided to go to Babies R Us for small hangers, since it's right by my house. $100 later, I walked out of the store with hangers, and two bags of clothes for next summer and fall. I figure I might as well get the deals now (everything's on Clearance) instead of paying full price when she needs it. Hopefully that theory will keep me ahead of the game!

Next on my list: Finding a Pediatrician and Registering!

Well, until next time, I'll keep you posted!

Karyn Potts
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Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello LFM readers!

I've been trying to think of something really insightful to write about: whether it be something in the news, or interesting baby gear I've found, etc. Truth is, I haven't been shopping yet (as amazing as that sounds!) So what I will write about is what's been on my mind, as minor as it may be.

I've been wondering what my little girl will look like. Yes, I could go for one of those 3D Sonograms, but I figure I've already found out the sex, I might as well have SOME surprise when she's born. (Plus she won't look that way for very long afterwards.)
I wonder if she'll look more like me or Brian. You see, my family has VERY STRONG genes, and we tend to think all the kids look like Becker's (my maiden name). I've always thought my oldest brother looked like my mom, the next brother like my dad, and I got the smoosh of both.

I'm guessing she'll have bleach-blonde peach fuzz on her head, and blue eyes for sure. Brian and I were both baldies. But will she have my nose, and maybe Brian's ears? Will she be tall and thin, or short with more to love? Will she be covered in freckles (though neither of us have many of those)? Will she somehow get the dimple in her cheek my mom always wished for me? Will she have my chubby cheeks that you just want to pinch all day? Will she be like Brian, flexible like Gumby, or have terrible back problems like her mom now has?

I wonder about her personality too. Will she play music like her parents? Play sports? Be the social butterfly, or more reserved, shy kind? Will she like to draw or write stories? Will she be an animal lover? Will she love to sing and make up games? What about word-finds and crossword puzzles? Will she hate math as much as I do? Will she be adventurous? What will be her favorite food? Will she love to bake? What's going to be her favorite color?

What will our little girl be when she grows up? Will she study abroad? Will she discover something? Will she be a mom? Will she follow her dreams?

The answer to these questions: I hope so. I hope she's all these things and much more! I'm confident she'll turn out as well-rounded as we did. She has a great family, and that makes me happy, and excited to bring her into the world (though I'm still in denial about the whole "pushing her out part." :P ) I look forward to the day I get to discover and answer all of these questions.

So until next time, have fun with your "wonderments!"

Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And the Verdict is....

Hello LFM readers!

It's time for a baby update! Brian and I went for our ultrasound yesterday, hoping to find out what sex the baby is. Does anyone have a guess? We tried the Pencil Test, the Wedding Ring Test, and I was even convinced by one friend to try the online Chinese Calendar Predictor. Plus, I favor my right side when I'm sleeping. According to every little "test" I tried, our baby is supposed to be a boy. I was convinced. There would be no little dresses with ruffles on the butt, no patent leather shiny black shoes at Christmastime (my absolute favorite growing up), no all-night sleepovers, no braids in her hair. Instead I'd be shopping for rough and rugged little boy jeans, overalls plastered with dinosaurs, ball caps, trucks and be worried about eating mudpies. Which was perfectly fine in my mind. I liked growing up with two older brothers, so if we had a boy first, it seemed only natural.

--In case anyone's wondering: I had pizza and a small mountain dew for lunch, just to get the baby moving!--

While laying there with my belly exposed and covered in goo, the Sonographer pointed out the baby's eyes, nose and mouth, heart, kidneys, bladder, lower back (is THAT what I was looking at?) and finally the most important "part(s)." We are having a girl!!! (She's 99% sure.)
She's 7 inches long and 9 ounces.
My husband was elated that he was right all along, we were having a daughter. And a quite laid back one at that! The Tech. made a point that the baby wasn't responding to sound--apparently they hate the sonogram sound bouncing off the walls, hence the reason they move--and she wasn't moving for nothin'. She was trying to get a good picture of the Placenta for the doctor, but the baby just wouldn't budge, no matter how loud or annoying the Tech. made the sound.
Brian and I looked at eachother right away, thinking, "Is our baby deaf?" Which, after taking years of Sign Language, we'd be totally fine with. But it would be nice to know at least! We remained silent while the Tech. kept on...she shook my belly from side to side a bunch of times and finally Baby Girl moved, giving her a chance to take the photo. Did you have anything like this happen when you went for your testing?
When we went directly into the doctor after the ultrasound, we asked her about the comment. She seemed unphased as she explained that it was completely normal; that her son was the SAME WAY. Doc said her son was perfect for her friend's in medical school trying to learn the anatomy on sonograms; he never moved while having it done. She said he's a really laid back, easy-going kid, and was a great baby. She then went on to explain how her daughter was the complete opposite, moving every which way each time, so much so that it was hard to get positive pictures of anything. We were relieved. Deep sighs of relief. Hopefully we'll be so lucky with ours (my Mom has told me since, that I was the same way--not very fussy at all, and nothing ever bothered me--perhaps she's taking after me?)
We left the office happy and excited. We're having a giiiirrrrllll :) We called everyone under the sun, and within the hour most of all our friends and family knew the big news of the day.
When I came home from work last night, Brian had already been shopping! He bought two long-sleeved body suits (making sure I knew he thought about it first, seeing as how she'll be born in the Winter). They're pink, brown and white. They have polka dots and elephants. They're perfect, like his new little girl. My heart is touched that he loves her so much already. He's going to be a fantastic Daddy.

Now, what will we name her? :) Any suggestions?

Until next time, enjoy your own kiddies!

Karyn Potts
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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Freedom Isn't Free

My 4th of July weekend is ending, and I feel completely relaxed. We've done..nothing really :D My husband and I sat on the couch watching TV all weekend (while knowing we should be putting things away, STILL, in our house). I felt somewhat productive when I finally took a shower and baked a cake, just for the two of us! We watched others spend their money on fireworks, and viewed them from our backyard. It was nice to sit there relaxing, reflecting on really how lucky we are as a country to be able to do just that. We weren't worried about where our next meal was coming from; how we were going to pay our bills; whether my child will have a chance to get an education; where we'd run to if insurgents came upon our property; protecting ourselves.....

Other than Veteran's Day of course, the 4th of July is another day I tend to reflect on our country's status in the world. Where would we be without our military? (Our Govt. is a whole other problem and subject in my mind.) There are men and women fighting all over this world for us everyday. They're missing their families, regular American food, news and culture, and just the chance to live their lives as what we see as normal everyday...all so we still can.
They vow to protect and serve where they're needed without asking why, and always do so to the best of their ability. These brave Americans will even lay down their lives for ours! (Would you?)

This concept has been ingrained in my mind since I was born, and I've respected it all along. I revel in the fact that my child(ren) will grow up in a free country, with opportunities that many others do not have, nor can even imagine. They will have the chance to do and say anything they want because they are an American, something we should all be grateful for.

I just want to say THANK YOU to all of the American military men and women, and thank you Grandpa, Dad, and brothers Norman and Kyle. Thank you for your service to our country, and to your future family member(s)! They will be thankful for all you do, always.

Happy 4th of July!

Until next time, remember those who serve our country everyday, for you and yours, and don't forget to THANK them.

Karyn Potts
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Constant State of Panic

Hello LFM Readers!

Yes, it's true: preggo's hormones tend to come and go with the tides and moons, but I like to think I've kept mine pretty much in check. But the last two days I've been in a constant state of panic.
Yesterday evening I spent a few hours at the Jessamine Riney B pool/park (as crazy as the price of gas is, I go because it's got two great slides that I'm not able to go down and I like to watch the little kids under the mushroom umbrellas). There you can spot all shapes, sizes and ages-another great reason not to feel subconscious in this newfound body of mine.
What stands out most to me though, are the kids that I can only assume haven't even made it to highschool yet, parading around in teeny tiny, barely-covering-anything bathing suits, and the boys that love to stare at them. (This is where I realize.....I'm getting old.)
I sat there on my lounge chair, covered in SPF 50 with nice dark sunglasses on, happy not to be standing out in the slightest (who, at the age of 29 wants to be oggled by tweeners anyway?) Groups of boys hoarded together and walked around the pool, making unwaving laps. Small cliques of girls did the same, only to look uninterested as the young Brad Pitt-wannabe's gawked passed and laughed when finally at a safe distance. I began to think of what this Baby X or Baby Y inside me will turn out like. I mean, there was NO WAY that my mother would've let me leave the house with suits like that on underneath my clothes, let alone to wear them without them on--and neither will my (if it happens to be) daughter!
My friend and I were sitting there wondering where these kids' parents were--did they notice what they were or weren't wearing? Did they know they were hanging out in corners of the park with boys? Holding hands? Sucking face? Smoking? Touching eachother's backsides? (Yes, I saw that a few times too.)
We began to discuss the shocking behavior of middle schoolers--on buses, at parties, in bathrooms and dances. The "doing it without really doing it" phenomenon. I've even heard about the "colored bracelet code," which tells others how far a girl will go with a boy according to what color of bracelets she wears. All of this bothers me to no end. It brings me back to how children are raised, what they're taught, morals, values, yada yada yada. I'm secure in knowing that we will raise our child(ren) how we see fit; I'm just worried about what society and their friends will turn them into when we're not around.
I'm feeling as though the only way to protect them is to go everywhere with them--as insanely hovering and controlling as that sounds :P Of course in reality, I would never do that! But how do you know if your t(w)-een is or isn't doing what you've taught them to? Do you trust your t(w)-een? What consequences do they face?
On a completely other note, I was SO nervous to watch the littlest of kids coming in and out of the water unsupervised. Granted their little ruffly suits were adorable, and you had to love the little plaid board shorts worn by the suncreen-slathered boys. But there were step-ups and step-downs on the concrete deck, bigger kids running around, waterfalls to be swept under,...I was a mess, trying not to scoop them up and steal them to safety.
Yup, it's hormones. That's what I'm blaming all of this on...right? Let me know!

Until next time, keep it under control!

Karyn Potts
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Pregnancy Myths

With the impending appointment of hopefully finding out what sex our child is, I feel like I've heard it all when it comes to figuring it out on your own.
* I've been told it's a girl because I seem to be carrying high (though others tell me that's nonsense since they carried their baby's everywhere and it didn't seem to make a difference).
* I've been told the baby will be utterly bald because I haven't had too much heartburn or nausea (thankfully). Though is that a good definer since both my husband and I were bald until two years old?
* I heard the heartbeat again at my last appointment, and my doctor tried faking me out, saying it was a girl and getting me all excited because we would finally know! She then explained that at the stage I was in, "they all sound like girls." I asked if there was any truth to that wives tale, and she explained that girls heart rates are faster than boys, but we wouldn't know that for sure until this upcoming visit--if it's a boy, it will obviously have slowed down in the last few weeks.
I've also read about some other very weird pregnancy myths online (as if the internet should be anyones Golden Rule! :P) According to some offbeat sites, did you know:
* If you favor laying on your right side, it's a boy and if your left, it's a girl?
* If a pregnant woman holds her hands above her head, the baby could become strangled by the umbilical cord?
* A preggo should not take baths, have X-Rays, stand by microwaves, or use cell phones?
* You lose a tooth with every baby?
* If you watch a scary movie, you can "mark" your child?
* If you mix Drano with a preggo's urine, and it turns blue, the baby is a boy and if it turns green, the baby is a girl?
* If you swing a pregnant girl's wedding ring on string over her belly, and it moves in a circle it's boy, and if it sways back and forth, it's a girl?

This all sounds insane to us now, but most were either thought to be true (or still are) at one time!
Just for fun, or even if you truly believe, what's the weirdest wives tale you've heard about pregnancy? Have you tried anything you believe to be effective? Let me know!

Until next time, when in doubt, ask your doctor!

Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Finding Out

I've started a countdown. Well, that's a lie, I've had a countdown to becoming a Mommy from the beginning. What I mean is, that I've started a countdown to the day we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
My mother feels we should wait until the birth because "it's the only TRUE surprise in your life." I stand on the fact that she'd have a different opinion if they HAD ultrasounds back when I was in the womb *wink*.
I've always said that I should never know that I was pregnant until I was about 6 months because I can't stand suspense. (Needless to say, I'm horrible to watch a rental with :P ) So having to wait until July 8th (21 more days!) is killing me. Did you wait to find out the sex of your child (and possibly have a baby shower covered in yellow and green?) Or did you go ahead and find out? I'm thinking I'll be just as surprised when the Sonographer tells us, as I would when we actually have the baby...right? I can't help myself, I'm a planner! :P
To get the baby moving, I've been told to drink very cold water or very cold orange juice right before the ultrasound. Another friend told me to eat a banana just before my appointment. She said there's a natural sugar in the fruit that babies just love. One of my husband's friends said to drink a mountain dew. I've also been told just to eat a candy bar before I went. Did you try any of these, or have you heard of anything else that might work?
We're just praying our baby isn't too modest the day of the photos-haha.
Also, I was wondering how many Moms have gotten the 3 or 4D sonograms? What did/does your doctor think about getting it done? I've heard pros and cons to the procedure and was curious. Do you think it's worth it? Were you happy you did it, or did it spoil the surprise of seeing your baby's face for the first time? Let me know what you think!

Until next time, I'm anxious!

Karyn Potts
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Knowing Boundaries

I may not be as wise as some other women in this world, but I like to believe that for my age, I can at least stand on my grounded values and morals. My parents raised me right!
I look around at today's society and how children act, and I find myself completely amazed by ill behaviors. (Note: I realize that someone may have all the best intentions in the world of raising their children right, and that somehow "it just doesn't work out that way." Granted, I'm prepared for my child to throw tantrums and throw themselves on the floor, that tends to be age-appropriate. I hope..? :) But when I see teens who know better acting this way, I question what they've been taught is accepted behavior by their parents.
For example: I was out last night when I witnessed two teens quite aggravated because a manager of an establishment would not break a particular rule for them. I heard the man say "I'm sorry, but if I do it for you, then I have to do it for everyone else. I'm already trying to bend and give you a discount." The two teens got so worked up they threw open the door to the establishment (almost breaking it) and walked out. Not 20 minutes later, one of the teens tried to come back in unnoticed (breaking said rule) and was caught by employees. The teen became so outraged, basically acting as though he was having a 2-year olds tantrum and cussed out the employees and manager just before walking out again.
This is when I stop and think: I know (or rather hope I guess) that this boy would not be acting like this if his parents were around. Have we gotten so bad as a society, that kids can't be trusted to behave outside the home unless otherwise monitored by what they consider an authority in their lives?
Who is to blame for this, what I consider to be outright disrespectful, behavior? Do you blame the parent for not instilling what most of the world believes to be common courtesy and respect? Or is it the off-kilter child that no one seems to be able to guide in the right direction?
What happened to the Golden Rule? Do parents still teach the same morals and values of yesteryear? Or have they jumped on this bandwagon of "Don't Let the Man Get You Down"? Do parents of today take qualities like responsibility and individualism, and twist them so as to create a child who is proficient in self-serving manipulation?
I'm all for encouraging kids to become whatever they want in this life. Whether it be an astronaut or farmer...just be passionate and love what you do. That being said, I also believe in raising well-rounded kids, no matter how unique they are or want to be. I believe all children have the right to a good education, and if they apply themselves, they will go far. Therefore, I sternly do not believe that just because "Johnny doesn't want to do his homework today," that he doesn't have to. You've all heard the stories from those who came before you--"I had to read 200 pages a night in my reader, and we had to sit in the corner all afternoon if we didn't finish our Arithmetic." And guess what? I had to do it too!
There were many nights when I didn't want to read about dead presidents, and even more nights when I didn't want to do my math homework (I would have rather made up a story about how X met Y and they ran off together to live on Z island). Alas, my Mom and Dad assured me that a bank would rather know I could figure out the Product of my account someday, and would care less about the magical coconuts on the island. Reluctantly, I knew they were right, and the homework got done.
The point of this drawn-out, full-of-tangents thought? I know I can't predict the future, and who knows how my child will act!? But I like to believe that I will have a hand in teaching them the ways of the world--what is expected of them; what they can expect from others; to do what they're told (I learned to comply with anyone who was older than myself); and to treat people with kindness and respect, no matter who is or isn't watching. There's a difference between questioning right from wrong, and total disregard for authority.
Does this notion sound crazy? Am I hoping or expecting too much? What do you hope for your child? How do you parent them when it comes to respect for others? Do you set limits and boundaries? What are the consequences, or do they have none at all? Let me know, as the thought of teaching my child the ways of the world, suddenly became a bit overwhelming for me!

Until next time, radiate kindness!
Karyn Potts
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Monday, June 2, 2008

Disney Honeymoon Souvenir

Hello Lexington FAMILY Magazine readers!!

I can only imagine you've come to find out what "tiny trinket" or souvenir Brian and I brought home from our Disney World honeymoon? If you guessed a BABY, you're right!
That's correct, I'm officially "that girl who got pregnant on her honeymoon." Just call me fertile Myrtle I guess! All within two weeks, we married, bought a house and found out we were expecting. You should have seen his face when I told my new husband--how did your child's father react?
As completely surprised as we were (and still are at times), Brian and I are both very excited!
We've finally moved everything into the house, or shall I say into the garage :) Well, we DO have the big stuff put away, it's just those knick knacks that just can't seem to find a home yet. I'm praying I have it all put away by the time my mother visits in August.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm 13.5 weeks today. I've been lucky enough not to experience any morning sickness (I know, I know--some readers are hating me right now; I've heard the horror stories), but I am very tired for what seems like most of the day. According to books, I should be coming out of that phase right about now. Did you experience morning sickness? Have you felt like your work desk looks/looked frighteningly similar to your bedtime pillow? I swear I would have no problem taking a nap at 2:30 everyday if my Editor and Sales Manager would allow it! I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, reading a few chapters of "Your Pregnancy, Week by Week" every so often, but I'd love to hear from actual people on what I should be expecting next...? (You can only call your doctor so many times before it becomes harrassment :P )
I have another appointment this Thursday--nothing too major, just a check-up. Although, I find it funny I'm excited just to go; it makes me more excited each time just to know I'm progressing "the way I should be."
So you've heard from me, and now it's your turn! We all know that things are much easier to go through when we talk them out with friends and FAMILY. So please, any questions you can ask, answer or any advice you have would be much appreciated!!
Until next time, goo goo gah gah!

Karyn Potts

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